Relay Core Tensor Operators
This page contains the list of core tensor operator primitives pre-defined in tvm.relay. The core tensor operator primitives cover typical workloads in deep learning. They can represent workloads in front-end frameworks and provide basic building blocks for optimization. Since deep learning is a fast evolving field, it is possible to have operators that are not in here.
This document will directly list the function signature of these operators in the python frontend.
Overview of Operators
Level 1: Basic Operators
This level enables fully connected multi-layer perceptron.
Compute elementwise log of data. |
Compute elementwise sqrt of data. |
Compute elementwise rsqrt of data. |
Compute elementwise exp of data. |
Compute elementwise sigmoid of data. |
Addition with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Subtraction with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Multiplication with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Division with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Mod with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Compute element-wise tanh of data. |
Concatenate the input tensors along the given axis. |
Insert num_newaxis axes at the position given by axis. |
Computes softmax. |
Computes log softmax. |
Rectified linear unit. |
Applies the dropout operation to the input array. |
Batch normalization layer (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2014). |
add_bias operator. |
Level 2: Convolutions
This level enables typical convnet models.
2D convolution. |
Two dimensional transposed convolution operator. |
3D convolution. |
3D transpose convolution. |
Dense operator. |
2D maximum pooling operator. |
3D maximum pooling operator. |
2D average pooling operator. |
3D average pooling operator. |
2D global maximum pooling operator. |
2D global average pooling operator. |
Upsampling. |
3D Upsampling. |
BatchFlatten. |
Padding |
This operator takes data as input and does local response normalization. |
Perform L2 normalization on the input data |
Tensor packing for bitserial operations. |
Bitserial Dense operator. |
2D convolution using bitserial computation. |
2D convolution with winograd algorithm. |
Weight Transformation part for 2D convolution with winograd algorithm. |
3D convolution with winograd algorithm. |
Weight Transformation part for 3D convolution with winograd algorithm. |
Level 3: Additional Math And Transform Operators
This level enables additional math and transform operators.
This operator takes data as input and does Leaky version of a Rectified Linear Unit. |
This operator takes data as input and does Leaky version of a Rectified Linear Unit. |
Reshape the input array. |
Reshapes the input tensor by the size of another tensor. |
Copy a tensor. |
Permutes the dimensions of an array. |
Squeeze axes in the array. |
Compute element-wise floor of data. |
Compute element-wise ceil of data. |
Compute element-wise absolute of data. |
Compute element-wise trunc of data. |
Clip the elements in a between a_min and a_max. |
Compute element-wise round of data. |
Compute element-wise absolute of data. |
Compute element-wise negative of data. |
Take elements from an array along an axis. |
Fill array with zeros. |
Returns an array of zeros, with same type and shape as the input. |
Fill array with ones. |
Returns an array of ones, with same type and shape as the input. |
Gather values along given axis from given indices. |
Gather elements or slices from data and store them to a tensor whose shape is defined by indices. |
Fill array with scalar value. |
Return a scalar value array with the same shape and type as the input array. |
Cast input tensor to data type. |
Reinterpret input tensor to data type. |
Split input tensor along axis by sections or indices. |
Return evenly spaced values within a given interval. |
Create coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors. |
Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. |
Repeats elements of an array. |
Repeats the whole array multiple times. |
Reverses the order of elements along given axis while preserving array shape. |
Reverse the tensor for variable length slices. |
Convert a flat index or array of flat indices into a tuple of coordinate arrays. |
Converts a sparse representation into a dense tensor. |
Level 4: Broadcast and Reductions
Right shift with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Left shift with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Broadcasted elementwise test for (lhs == rhs). |
Broadcasted elementwise test for (lhs != rhs). |
Broadcasted elementwise test for (lhs > rhs). |
Broadcasted elementwise test for (lhs >= rhs). |
Broadcasted elementwise test for (lhs < rhs). |
Broadcasted elementwise test for (lhs <= rhs). |
Computes the logical AND of boolean array elements over given axes. |
Computes the logical OR of boolean array elements over given axes. |
logical AND with numpy-style broadcasting. |
logical OR with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Compute element-wise logical not of data. |
logical XOR with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Maximum with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Minimum with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Power with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Selecting elements from either x or y depending on the value of the condition. |
Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis. |
Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis. |
Computes the sum of array elements over given axes. |
Computes the max of array elements over given axes. |
Computes the min of array elements over given axes. |
Computes the mean of array elements over given axes. |
Computes the variance of data over given axes. |
Computes the standard deviation of data over given axes. |
Computes the mean and variance of data over given axes. |
Computes the mean and standard deviation of data over given axes. |
Computes the products of array elements over given axes. |
Strided slice of an array. |
Return a scalar value array with the same type, broadcasted to the provided shape. |
Level 5: Vision/Image Operators
Image resize1d operator. |
Image resize2d operator. |
Image resize3d operator. |
Crop input images and resize them. |
Morphological Dilation 2D. |
Generate prior(anchor) boxes from data, sizes and ratios. |
Location transformation for multibox detection |
Non-maximum suppression operations. |
Yolo reorg operation used in darknet models. |
Level 6: Algorithm Operators
Performs sorting along the given axis and returns an array of indices having same shape as an input array that index data in sorted order. |
Get the top k elements in an input tensor along the given axis. |
Level 10: Temporary Operators
This level support backpropagation of broadcast operators. It is temporary.
Return a scalar value array with the same shape and type as the input array. |
Return a scalar value array with the same shape and type as the input array. |
Slice the first input with respect to the second input. |
Get shape of a tensor. |
Get number of elements of input tensor. |
Transform the layout of a tensor. |
Copy data from the source device to the destination device. |
Annotates a body expression with device constraints. |
Reshapes the input array where the special values are inferred from right to left. |
Sets all elements outside the expected length of the sequence to a constant value. |
Compute batch matrix multiplication of tensor_a and tensor_b. |
2D adaptive max pooling operator. |
2D adaptive average pooling operator. |
Returns a one-hot tensor where the locations represented by indices take value on_value, and other locations take value off_value. |
Level 11: Dialect Operators
This level supports dialect operators.
Quantized addition with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Computes batch matrix multiplication of x and y when x and y are data in batch. |
Concatenate the quantized input tensors along the given axis. |
Quantized 2D convolution. |
This operator deconvolves quantized data with quantized kernel. |
Qnn Dense operator. |
Dequantize op This operator takes quantized input and produces dequantized float output. |
Quantized multiplication with numpy-style broadcasting. |
Quantize op This operator takes float32 input and produces quantized output. |
Requantized operator. |
Quantized reciprocal square root. |
Simulated Dequantize op Mimics the dequantize op but has more flexibility in valid inputs and always outputs the same type as the input. |
Simulated Quantize op Mimics the quantize op but has more flexibility in valid inputs and always outputs the same type as the input. |
Quantized subtraction with numpy-style broadcasting. |