Install from Source
This page gives instructions on how to build and install the TVM package from source.
Step 1. Install Dependencies
Apache TVM requires the following dependencies:
CMake (>= 3.24.0)
LLVM (recommended >= 15)
- A recent C++ compiler supporting C++ 17, at the minimum
GCC 7.1
Clang 5.0
Apple Clang 9.3
Visual Studio 2019 (v16.7)
Python (>= 3.8)
(Optional) Conda (Strongly Recommended)
To easiest way to manage dependency is via conda, which maintains a set of toolchains including LLVM across platforms. To create the environment of those build dependencies, one may simply use:
# make sure to start with a fresh environment
conda env remove -n tvm-build-venv
# create the conda environment with build dependency
conda create -n tvm-build-venv -c conda-forge \
"llvmdev>=15" \
"cmake>=3.24" \
git \
# enter the build environment
conda activate tvm-build-venv
Step 2. Get Source from Github
You can also choose to clone the source repo from github.
git clone --recursive tvm
It’s important to use the --recursive
flag when cloning the TVM repository, which will
automatically clone the submodules. If you forget to use this flag, you can manually clone the submodules
by running git submodule update --init --recursive
in the root directory of the TVM repository.
Step 3. Configure and Build
Create a build directory and run CMake to configure the build. The following example shows how to build
cd tvm
rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build
# Specify the build configuration via CMake options
cp ../cmake/config.cmake .
We want to specifically tweak the following flags by appending them to the end of the configuration file:
# controls default compilation flags (Candidates: Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo)
echo "set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo)" >> config.cmake
# LLVM is a must dependency for compiler end
echo "set(USE_LLVM \"llvm-config --ignore-libllvm --link-static\")" >> config.cmake
echo "set(HIDE_PRIVATE_SYMBOLS ON)" >> config.cmake
# GPU SDKs, turn on if needed
echo "set(USE_CUDA OFF)" >> config.cmake
echo "set(USE_METAL OFF)" >> config.cmake
echo "set(USE_VULKAN OFF)" >> config.cmake
echo "set(USE_OPENCL OFF)" >> config.cmake
# cuBLAS, cuDNN, cutlass support, turn on if needed
echo "set(USE_CUBLAS OFF)" >> config.cmake
echo "set(USE_CUDNN OFF)" >> config.cmake
echo "set(USE_CUTLASS OFF)" >> config.cmake
is a configuration option that enables the -fvisibility=hidden
This flag helps prevent potential symbol conflicts between TVM and PyTorch. These conflicts arise due to
the frameworks shipping LLVMs of different versions.
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE controls default compilation flag:
sets-O0 -g
sets-O2 -g -DNDEBUG
sets-O3 -DNDEBUG
Once config.cmake
is edited accordingly, kick off build with the commands below:
cmake .. && cmake --build . --parallel $(nproc)
may not be available on all systems, please replace it with the number of cores on your system
A success build should produce libtvm
and libtvm_runtime
under build/
Leaving the build environment tvm-build-venv
, there are two ways to install the successful build into your environment:
Install via environment variable
export TVM_HOME=/path-to-tvm
Install via pip local project
conda activate your-own-env
conda install python # make sure python is installed
export TVM_LIBRARY_PATH=/path-to-tvm/build
pip install -e /path-to-tvm/python
Step 4. Validate Installation
Using a compiler infrastructure with multiple language bindings could be error-prone. Therefore, it is highly recommended to validate Apache TVM installation before use.
Step 1. Locate TVM Python package. The following command can help confirm that TVM is properly installed as a python package and provide the location of the TVM python package:
>>> python -c "import tvm; print(tvm.__file__)"
Step 2. Confirm which TVM library is used. When maintaining multiple build or installation of TVM, it becomes important to double check if the python package is using the proper libtvm
with the following command:
>>> python -c "import tvm; print(tvm._ffi.base._LIB)"
<CDLL '/some-path/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tvm/libtvm.dylib', handle 95ada510 at 0x1030e4e50>
Step 3. Reflect TVM build option. Sometimes when downstream application fails, it could likely be some mistakes with a wrong TVM commit, or wrong build flags. To find it out, the following commands will be helpful:
>>> python -c "import tvm; print('\n'.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in"
... # Omitted less relevant options
GIT_COMMIT_HASH: 4f6289590252a1cf45a4dc37bce55a25043b8338
USE_LLVM: llvm-config --link-static
Step 4. Check device detection. Sometimes it could be helpful to understand if TVM could detect your device at all with the following commands:
>>> python -c "import tvm; print(tvm.metal().exist)"
True # or False
>>> python -c "import tvm; print(tvm.cuda().exist)"
False # or True
>>> python -c "import tvm; print(tvm.vulkan().exist)"
False # or True
Please note that the commands above verify the presence of an actual device on the local machine for the TVM runtime (not the compiler) to execute properly. However, TVM compiler can perform compilation tasks without requiring a physical device. As long as the necessary toolchain, such as NVCC, is available, TVM supports cross-compilation even in the absence of an actual device.
Step 5. Extra Python Dependencies
Building from source does not ensure the installation of all necessary Python dependencies. The following commands can be used to install the extra Python dependencies:
Necessary dependencies:
pip3 install numpy
If you want to use RPC Tracker
pip3 install tornado
If you want to use auto-tuning module
pip3 install tornado psutil 'xgboost>=1.1.0' cloudpickle
Advanced Build Configuration
On supported platforms, the Ccache compiler wrapper may be helpful for reducing TVM’s build time, especially when building with cutlass or flashinfer. There are several ways to enable CCache in TVM builds:
. CCache will be used if it is found.Ccache’s Masquerade mode. This is typically enabled during the Ccache installation process. To have TVM use Ccache in masquerade, simply specify the appropriate C/C++ compiler paths when configuring TVM’s build system. For example:
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/lib/ccache/c++ ...
.Ccache as CMake’s C++ compiler prefix. When configuring TVM’s build system, set the CMake variable
to an appropriate value. E.g.cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache ...
Building on Windows
TVM support build via MSVC using cmake. You will need to obtain a visual studio compiler. The minimum required VS version is Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 (NOTE: we test against GitHub Actions’ Windows 2019 Runner, so see that page for full details. We recommend following Step 1. Install Dependencies to obtain necessary dependencies and get an activated tvm-build environment. Then you can run the following command to build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..
The above command generates the solution file under the build directory. You can then run the following command to build
cmake --build build --config Release -- /m
Building ROCm support
Currently, ROCm is supported only on linux, so all the instructions are written with linux in mind.
, set ROCM_PATH to the correct path.You need to first install HIP runtime from ROCm. Make sure the installation system has ROCm installed in it.
Install latest stable version of LLVM (v6.0.1), and LLD, make sure
is available via command line.
Enable C++ Tests
We use Google Test to drive the C++ tests in TVM. The easiest way to install GTest is from source.
git clone
cd googletest
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
After installing GTest, the C++ tests can be built and started with ./tests/scripts/
or just built with make cpptest