Namespaces | Functions
autodiff.h File Reference

Automatic differentiation of tensor expressions. More...

#include <tvm/runtime/object.h>
#include <tvm/tir/expr.h>
#include "tensor.h"
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 runtime implementation for LibTorch/TorchScript.
 Tensor expression language DSL.


PrimExpr tvm::te::Derivative (const PrimExpr &expr, const Var &var)
 Take the derivative of the expression with respect to the given variable. More...
Tensor tvm::te::Jacobian (const Tensor &output, const Tensor &input)
 Get the tensor representing the Jacobian of the output with respect to the input. More...
Tensor tvm::te::VectorJacobianProduct (const Tensor &output, const Tensor &input, const Tensor &head)
 The building block for reverse-mode AD. More...
Array< Tensor > tvm::te::Gradient (const Tensor &output, const Array< Tensor > &inputs, const Tensor &head=Tensor())
 Perform reverse mode automatic differentiation. More...

Detailed Description

Automatic differentiation of tensor expressions.