class | ConstructorNode |
| ADT constructor. Constructors compare by pointer equality. More...
class | Constructor |
| Managed reference to ConstructorNode. More...
class | TypeDataNode |
| TypeData container node. More...
class | TypeData |
| Stores all data for an Algebraic Data Type (ADT). More...
class | AffineTypeNode |
| AffineType representation. More...
class | AffineType |
| Managed reference to AffineTypeNode. More...
class | TensorAffineTypeNode |
| TensorAffineType representation. More...
class | TensorAffineType |
| Managed reference to AffineTypes. More...
class | TupleAffineTypeNode |
| TupleAffineType representation. More...
class | TupleAffineType |
| Managed reference to TupleAffineTypes. More...
struct | AttrError |
| Error thrown during attribute checking. More...
class | AttrFieldInfoNode |
| Information about attribute fields in string representations. More...
class | AttrFieldInfo |
| AttrFieldInfo. More...
class | BaseAttrsNode |
| Base class of all attribute class. More...
class | Attrs |
| Managed reference to BaseAttrsNode. More...
class | DictAttrsNode |
| Specialized attribute type that is backed by a map. The DictAttrsNode implements the Attrs behavior, its fields are directly accessible via object.field_name like other normal nodes. More...
class | DictAttrs |
| Managed reference to DictAttrsNode. More...
class | AttrsNode |
| The base class of the all the Use "curiously recurring template pattern". More...
class | DiagnosticNode |
| A compiler diagnostic message. More...
class | Diagnostic |
class | DiagnosticBuilder |
| A wrapper around std::stringstream to build a diagnostic. More...
class | DiagnosticRendererNode |
| Display diagnostics in a given display format. More...
class | DiagnosticRenderer |
class | DiagnosticContextNode |
class | DiagnosticContext |
class | EnvFuncNode |
| A serializable function backed by TVM's global environment. More...
class | EnvFunc |
| Managed reference to EnvFuncNode. More...
class | TypedEnvFunc |
| Please refer to TypedEnvFunc<R(Args..)>. More...
class | TypedEnvFunc< R(Args...)> |
| A typed version of EnvFunc. It is backed by a GlobalFuncNode internally. More...
class | BaseExprNode |
| Base type of all the expressions. More...
class | BaseExpr |
| Managed reference to BaseExprNode. More...
class | PrimExprNode |
| Base node of all primitive expressions. More...
class | PrimExpr |
| Reference to PrimExprNode. More...
class | RelayExprNode |
| Base node of all non-primitive expressions. More...
class | RelayExpr |
| Managed reference to RelayExprNode. More...
class | GlobalVarNode |
| Global variable that lives in the top-level module. More...
class | GlobalVar |
| Managed reference to GlobalVarNode. More...
class | IntImmNode |
| Constant integer literals in the program. More...
class | IntImm |
| Managed reference class to IntImmNode. More...
class | FloatImmNode |
| Constant floating point literals in the program. More...
class | FloatImm |
| Managed reference class to FloatImmNode. More...
class | Bool |
| Boolean constant. More...
class | Integer |
| Container of constant int that adds more constructors. More...
class | RangeNode |
| range over one dimension More...
class | Range |
| Range container
class | BaseFuncNode |
| Base node of all functions. More...
class | BaseFunc |
| Managed reference to BaseFuncNode. More...
class | GlobalInfoNode |
| GlobalInfo are globally static object that are referred by the IR itself. Base node for all global info that can appear in the IR. More...
class | GlobalInfo |
| Managed reference to GlobalInfoNode. More...
class | VDeviceNode |
| A global info subclass for virtual devices. More...
class | VDevice |
| Managed reference to VDeviceNode. More...
class | DummyGlobalInfoNode |
| A dummy global info sub-class for testing purpose. More...
class | DummyGlobalInfo |
| Managed reference to DummyGlobalInfoNode. More...
class | GlobalVarSupplyNode |
| GlobalVarSupply can be used to generate unique GlobalVars. More...
class | GlobalVarSupply |
| Managed reference class to GlobalVarSupplyNode. More...
struct | PoolInfoNode |
| Describes a pool of memory accessible by one or more targets. More...
class | PoolInfo |
| Base class for WorkspacePoolInfo and ConstantPoolInfo. More...
struct | PoolInfoPropertiesNode |
| Describes a pool of memory properties. More...
class | PoolInfoProperties |
struct | WorkspacePoolInfoNode |
class | WorkspacePoolInfo |
struct | ConstantInfoNode |
class | ConstantInfo |
struct | ConstantPoolInfoNode |
class | ConstantPoolInfo |
struct | WorkspaceMemoryPoolsNode |
class | WorkspaceMemoryPools |
struct | ConstantMemoryPoolsNode |
class | ConstantMemoryPools |
class | IRModuleNode |
| IRModule that holds functions and type definitions. More...
class | IRModule |
| Managed reference class to IRModuleNode. More...
class | NameSupplyNode |
| NameSupply can be used to generate unique names. More...
class | NameSupply |
| Managed reference class to NameSupplyNode. More...
class | OpAttrMap |
| Map<Op,ValueType> used to store meta-information about Op. More...
class | OpNode |
| Primitive Op(builtin intrinsics) More...
class | Op |
| Managed reference class to OpNode. More...
class | OpRegEntry |
| Helper structure to register operators. More...
class | SIBuilder |
| Source Information Builder, SIBuilder provides helper APIs for filling spans, particularly useful for one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many IR transformations. More...
class | SourceNameNode |
| The name of a source fragment. More...
class | SourceName |
| The source name of a file span. More...
class | SpanNode |
| Stores locations in frontend source that generated a node. More...
class | Span |
class | SequentialSpanNode |
| Store a list of spans for an expr generated from mulitple source exprs. More...
class | SequentialSpan |
| Reference class of SequentialSpanNode. More...
class | SourceNode |
class | Source |
class | SourceMapNode |
| Stores locations in frontend source that generated a node. More...
class | SourceMap |
class | BaseTensorTypeNode |
| Base of all Tensor types This container can hold TensorType or GenericTensorType. More...
class | BaseTensorType |
| Managed reference to BaseTensorTypeNode. More...
class | TensorTypeNode |
| This is the most commonly used type in relay. TensorType have a fixed dimension, data type. More...
class | TensorType |
| Managed reference to TensorTypeNode. More...
class | TypeNode |
| Type is the base type of all types. More...
class | Type |
| Managed reference to TypeNode. More...
class | PrimTypeNode |
| Primitive data types used in the low-level IR. More...
class | PrimType |
class | PointerTypeNode |
| Low-level raw pointer type. More...
class | PointerType |
class | TypeVarNode |
| Type parameter in functions. More...
class | TypeVar |
| Managed reference to TypeVarNode. More...
class | GlobalTypeVarNode |
| A global type variable that is used for defining new types or type aliases. More...
class | GlobalTypeVar |
| Managed reference to GlobalTypeVarNode. More...
class | TupleTypeNode |
| The type of tuple values. More...
class | TupleType |
| Managed reference to TupleTypeNode. More...
class | TypeConstraintNode |
| Potential Constraints in a function. More...
class | TypeConstraint |
| Managed reference to TypeConstraintNode. More...
class | FuncTypeNode |
| Function type. More...
class | FuncType |
| Managed reference to FuncTypeNode. More...
class | IncompleteTypeNode |
| Intermediate values that is used to indicate incomplete type during type inference. More...
class | IncompleteType |
| Managed reference to IncompleteTypeNode. More...
class | RelayRefTypeNode |
| Reference Type High-level Relay IR. More...
class | RelayRefType |
| Managed reference to RelayRefTypeNode. More...
class | TypeFunctor |
class | TypeFunctor< R(const Type &n, Args...)> |
class | TypeVisitor |
| A type visitor that recursively visit types. More...
class | TypeMutator |
| TypeMutator that mutates expressions. More...
class | TypeCallNode |
| Type function application. More...
class | TypeCall |
| Managed reference to TypeCallNode. More...
class | TypeReporterNode |
| reporter that reports back to the type resolution information. More...
class | TypeReporter |
| Container class of TypeReporter. More...
class | TypeRelationNode |
| User defined type relation, it is an input-output relation on types. More...
class | TypeRelation |
| Managed reference to TypeRelationNode. More...
class | AttrRegistryMapContainerMap |
| Generic attribute map. More...
class | AttrRegistryMap |
| Map<Key, ValueType> used to store meta-data. More...
class | NodeFunctor |
| A dynamically dispatched functor on the type of the first argument. More...
class | NodeFunctor< R(const ObjectRef &n, Args...)> |
class | ObjectPathNode |
| Path to an object from some root object. More...
class | ObjectPath |
class | RootPathNode |
class | RootPath |
class | AttributeAccessPathNode |
class | AttributeAccessPath |
class | UnknownAttributeAccessPathNode |
class | UnknownAttributeAccessPath |
class | ArrayIndexPathNode |
class | ArrayIndexPath |
class | MissingArrayElementPathNode |
class | MissingArrayElementPath |
class | MapValuePathNode |
class | MapValuePath |
class | MissingMapEntryPathNode |
class | MissingMapEntryPath |
class | AttrVisitor |
| Visitor class to get the attributes of an AST/IR node. The content is going to be called for each field. More...
class | ReflectionVTable |
| Virtual function table to support IR/AST node reflection. More...
class | ReprPrinter |
| A printer class to print the AST/IR nodes. More...
class | ReprLegacyPrinter |
| Legacy behavior of ReprPrinter. More...
class | PrinterConfigNode |
class | PrinterConfig |
class | TVMScriptPrinter |
| Legacy behavior of ReprPrinter. More...
class | BaseValueEqual |
| Equality definition of base value class. More...
class | ObjectPathPairNode |
| Pair of ObjectPath s, one for each object being tested for structural equality. More...
class | ObjectPathPair |
class | StructuralEqual |
| Content-aware structural equality comparator for objects. More...
class | SEqualReducer |
| A Reducer class to reduce the structural equality result of two objects. More...
class | SEqualHandlerDefault |
| The default handler for equality testing. More...
class | BaseValueHash |
| Hash definition of base value classes. More...
class | StructuralHash |
| Content-aware structural hashing. More...
class | SHashReducer |
| A Reducer class to reduce the structural hash value. More...
class | SHashHandlerDefault |
| The default handler for hash key computation. More...
struct | NDArrayContainerTrait |
class | AttrRegistry |
class | With |
| RAII wrapper function to enter and exit a context object similar to python's with syntax. More...
class | CompilationConfigNode |
| Gathers the Targets and distinguished VirtualDevices in canonical form needed to compile a Relay module for execution over possibly heterogeneous devices. Centralizes the validation and canonicalization logic needed to transition from targets supplied by the Python APIs to a single internal representation. Also holds a cache of canonical VirtualDevices so that structural equal virtual devices have pointer equal canonical virtual devices. More...
class | CompilationConfig |
| Managed reference class to CompilationConfig . More...
class | GenericFunc |
| Generic function that can be specialized on a per-target basis. More...
class | GenericFuncNode |
| Represents a generic function that can be specialized on a per-target basis. More...
class | TargetTagNode |
| A target tag. More...
class | TargetTag |
| Managed reference class to TargetTagNode. More...
class | TargetTagRegEntry |
class | TargetNode |
| Compilation target. More...
class | Target |
| Managed reference class to TargetNode. More...
class | MemoryInfoNode |
| Memory information of special memory region. Use MemoryInfo as its container type. More...
class | MemoryInfo |
| Defines memory info. More...
class | TargetKindAttrMap |
| Map<TargetKind, ValueType> used to store meta-information about TargetKind. More...
class | TargetKindNode |
| Target kind, specifies the kind of the target. More...
class | TargetKind |
| Managed reference class to TargetKindNode. More...
class | TargetKindRegEntry |
| Helper structure to register TargetKind. More...
class | VirtualDeviceNode |
| Describes at compile time the constraints on where data is to be stored at runtime down to the (virtual) device and memory scope level, and how to compile code to compute that data. Used by the PlanDevices pass to collect and solve (virtual) device constraints for the whole Relay program. More...
class | VirtualDevice |
| Managed reference class to VirtualDeviceNode . More...
class | VirtualDeviceCache |
| A cache of VirtualDevices . This can be used: More...
transform::Sequential | MixedModulePassManager (IRModule mixed_mod, Target target) |
| Configures and returns the composite Pass for the fused module (pre split) that contains device and host code. More...
transform::Sequential | DeviceModulePassManager (IRModule mixed_mod, Target target) |
| Configures and returns the composite Pass for the device Target after device/host from mixed module. More...
transform::Sequential | HostModulePassManager (IRModule mixed_mod, Target target_host) |
| Configures and returns the composite Pass for the host Target after device/host from mixed module. More...
IRModule | LowerModule (IRModule mod, bool simple_mode=false) |
| Lower an IRModule (optimize with it with the pass list defined in CreatePassList) More...
IRModule | LowerPrimFunc (tvm::tir::PrimFunc func, const std::string &name, bool simple_mode=false) |
| Lower a primfunc and name (convert to IRModule, and optimize it with the pass list defined in CreatePassList) More...
IRModule | LowerSchedule (te::Schedule sch, const Array< te::Tensor > &args, const std::string &name, const std::unordered_map< te::Tensor, tir::Buffer > &binds, GlobalVarSupply global_var_supply, bool simple_mode=false) |
| Build an IRModule given a TE schedule, args and binds. This function also applies the lowering passes defined in CreatePassList. More...
IRModule | LowerSchedule (te::Schedule sch, const Array< ObjectRef > &args, const std::string &name, const std::unordered_map< te::Tensor, tir::Buffer > &binds, GlobalVarSupply global_var_supply, bool simple_mode=false) |
| Build an IRModule given a TE schedule, args and binds. This function also applies the lowering passes defined in CreatePassList. More...
IRModule | ScheduleToModule (te::Schedule sch, const Array< ObjectRef > &args, const std::string &name, const std::unordered_map< te::Tensor, tir::Buffer > &binds, GlobalVarSupply global_var_supply) |
| Create an IRModule out of a TE Schedule. It does not apply lowering passes. If you want to apply lowering passes as well, use LowerSchedule. More...
runtime::Module | build (const IRModule &funcs, const Target &target, const Target &target_host) |
| Build a device and host module for a specific target from an IRModule. More...
runtime::Module | build (const Map< Target, IRModule > &input, const Target &target_host) |
| Build a device and host module for a specific target from a map contains target to IRModule. This function is used for heterogeneous build. More...
runtime::Module | build (const Map< String, IRModule > &input, const Target &target_host) |
| Build a device and host module for a specific target from a map contains target to IRModule. This function is used for heterogeneous build. More...
template<typename TObjectRef > |
TObjectRef | NullValue () |
| Create a NodeRef type that represents null. More...
template<> |
DataType | NullValue< DataType > () |
template<typename TAttrs > |
TAttrs | AttrsWithDefaultValues () |
| Create an Attr object with all default values. More...
DictAttrs | WithAttrs (DictAttrs attrs, Map< String, ObjectRef > new_attrs) |
| Copy the DictAttrs, but overrides attributes with the entries from attrs . More...
DictAttrs | WithAttr (DictAttrs attrs, String key, ObjectRef value) |
| Copy the DictAttrs, but overrides a single attribute. More...
DictAttrs | WithAttr (DictAttrs attrs, const std::string &key, ObjectRef value) |
DictAttrs | WithoutAttr (DictAttrs attrs, const std::string &key) |
| Copy the DictAttrs, but without a specific attribute. More...
template<typename TFunc > |
TFunc | WithAttr (TFunc input, const std::string &attr_key, ObjectRef attr_value) |
| Copy the function or module, but overrides the attribute value key with the value. More...
template<typename TFunc > |
TFunc | WithAttrs (TFunc input, Map< String, ObjectRef > attrs) |
| Copy the function or module, but overrides the attributes with the entries from attrs . More...
template<typename TFunc > |
TFunc | WithoutAttr (TFunc input, const std::string &attr_key) |
| Copy the function or module, but removes the specified attribute. More...
DiagnosticRenderer | TerminalRenderer (std::ostream &ostream) |
PrimExpr | operator+ (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| add operator More...
PrimExpr | operator- (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| subtraction operator More...
PrimExpr | operator- (PrimExpr a) |
| negation. More...
PrimExpr | operator* (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| multiplication operator More...
PrimExpr | operator/ (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| division operator More...
PrimExpr | operator<< (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| left shift operator More...
PrimExpr | operator>> (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| right shift operator More...
PrimExpr | operator> (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| greater More...
PrimExpr | operator>= (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| greater_equal More...
PrimExpr | operator< (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| less More...
PrimExpr | operator<= (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| less_equal More...
PrimExpr | operator== (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| equal More...
PrimExpr | operator!= (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| not_equal More...
PrimExpr | operator&& (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| and More...
PrimExpr | operator|| (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| or More...
PrimExpr | operator! (PrimExpr a) |
| not More...
PrimExpr | operator& (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| take bitwise and of two values More...
PrimExpr | operator| (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| take bitwise or of two values More...
PrimExpr | operator^ (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b) |
| take bitwise xor of two values More...
PrimExpr | operator~ (PrimExpr a) |
| take bitwise negation of two values More...
Bool | operator|| (const Bool &a, bool b) |
Bool | operator|| (bool a, const Bool &b) |
Bool | operator|| (const Bool &a, const Bool &b) |
Bool | operator&& (const Bool &a, bool b) |
Bool | operator&& (bool a, const Bool &b) |
Bool | operator&& (const Bool &a, const Bool &b) |
bool | operator== (const Bool &a, bool b) |
bool | operator== (bool a, const Bool &b) |
bool | operator== (const Bool &a, const Bool &b) |
bool | IsPrimitiveOp (const RelayExpr &expr) |
| Check that an expression is a "primitive operator". More...
String | TypeKind2String (TypeKind kind) |
| Converts a TypeKind to a string. More...
Type | VoidType () |
bool | IsVoidType (const Type &type) |
| Check whether the tyep represents void. More...
Type | Bind (const Type &type, const Map< TypeVar, Type > &args_map) |
| Bind free type variables in the type. More...
Optional< String > | GetAttrKeyByAddress (const Object *object, const void *attr_address) |
| Given an object and an address of its attribute, return the key of the attribute. More...
void | Dump (const runtime::ObjectRef &node) |
| Dump the node to stderr, used for debug purposes. More...
void | Dump (const runtime::Object *node) |
| Dump the node to stderr, used for debug purposes. More...
std::string | SaveJSON (const runtime::ObjectRef &node) |
| save the node as well as all the node it depends on as json. This can be used to serialize any TVM object More...
runtime::ObjectRef | LoadJSON (std::string json_str) |
| Internal implementation of LoadJSON Load tvm Node object from json and return a shared_ptr of Node. More...
GlobalVar | WithFields (GlobalVar global_var, Optional< String > opt_name_hint={}, Optional< Type > opt_type={}, Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device={}, Optional< Span > opt_span={}) |
| Returns global_var with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns global_var if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
void | CheckAndUpdateHostConsistency (Target *target, Target *host) |
| Check and update host field of the given legacy target and target host pair. Note that this function is for legacy target api compatibility issue only, not recommended for other use. More...
MemoryInfo | GetMemoryInfo (const std::string &scope) |
| get memory info given scope More...
Type | GetType (const PrimExpr &expr) |
| Get the type of the expression under the unified type system. More...
Type | GetTypeFromRuntimeDataType (const DataType &dtype) |
| Get the type corresponding to DataType. More...
runtime::DataType | GetRuntimeDataType (const Type &type) |
| Get the implied DataType for storing values with type during runtime. More...
PrimExpr | ret (PrimExpr value, Span span=Span()) |
| Return the value. More...
PrimExpr | max_value (const DataType &dtype, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | min_value (const DataType &dtype, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | infinity (const DataType &dtype, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | cast (const DataType &t, PrimExpr value, Span span=Span()) |
| cast value to type. More...
PrimExpr | reinterpret (const DataType &t, PrimExpr value, Span span=Span()) |
| perform reinterpret cast value to type. More...
PrimExpr | add (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| add operator More...
PrimExpr | sub (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| subtraction operator More...
PrimExpr | neg (PrimExpr a, Span span=Span()) |
| negation. More...
PrimExpr | mul (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| multiplication operator More...
PrimExpr | left_shift (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| left shift operator More...
PrimExpr | right_shift (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| right shift operator More...
PrimExpr | greater (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| greater More...
PrimExpr | greater_equal (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| greater_equal More...
PrimExpr | less (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| less More...
PrimExpr | less_equal (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| less_equal More...
PrimExpr | equal (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| equal More...
PrimExpr | not_equal (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| not_equal More...
PrimExpr | logical_and (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| and More...
PrimExpr | logical_or (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| or More...
PrimExpr | logical_not (PrimExpr a, Span span=Span()) |
| not More...
PrimExpr | div (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute division in C semantics. More...
PrimExpr | truncdiv (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute trunc(a / b) More...
PrimExpr | truncmod (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute the remainder of truncdiv More...
PrimExpr | indexdiv (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute floor(a / b) where a and b are non-negative. More...
PrimExpr | shapediv (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute ceil(a / b) where a and b are non-negative. More...
PrimExpr | indexmod (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute the remainder floor(a / b) where a and b are non-negative. More...
PrimExpr | floordiv (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute floor(a / b) More...
PrimExpr | ceildiv (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute ceil(a / b) More...
PrimExpr | floormod (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| compute the remainder of floordiv More...
PrimExpr | max (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| take maximum of two values More...
PrimExpr | min (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| take minimum of two values More...
PrimExpr | bitwise_and (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| take bitwise and of two values More...
PrimExpr | bitwise_or (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| take bitwise or of two values More...
PrimExpr | bitwise_xor (PrimExpr a, PrimExpr b, Span span=Span()) |
| take bitwise xor of two values More...
PrimExpr | bitwise_neg (PrimExpr a, Span span=Span()) |
| take bitwise negation of two values More...
PrimExpr | if_then_else (PrimExpr cond, PrimExpr true_value, PrimExpr false_value, Span span=Span()) |
| Conditional expression. More...
PrimExpr | likely (PrimExpr cond, Span span=Span()) |
| Mark condition as likely. More...
PrimExpr | pow (PrimExpr x, PrimExpr y, Span span=Span()) |
| Calculate power(x, y) More...
PrimExpr | abs (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Calculate absolute value of x. More...
PrimExpr | isnan (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Check if x is NaN. More...
PrimExpr | isfinite (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Check if x is finite. More...
PrimExpr | isinf (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Check if x is infinite. More...
PrimExpr | sum (PrimExpr source, Array< tir::IterVar > axis, Array< PrimExpr > init={}, Span span=Span()) |
| sum of source expression over axis More...
PrimExpr | all (PrimExpr source, Array< tir::IterVar > axis, Array< PrimExpr > init={}, Span span=Span()) |
| logical And of source expression over axis More...
PrimExpr | any (PrimExpr source, Array< tir::IterVar > axis, Array< PrimExpr > init={}, Span span=Span()) |
| logical Or of source expression over axis More...
PrimExpr | max (PrimExpr source, Array< tir::IterVar > axis, Array< PrimExpr > init={}, Span span=Span()) |
| max of source expression over axis More...
PrimExpr | min (PrimExpr source, Array< tir::IterVar > axis, Array< PrimExpr > init={}, Span span=Span()) |
| max of source expression over axis More...
PrimExpr | prod (PrimExpr source, Array< tir::IterVar > axis, Array< PrimExpr > init={}, Span span=Span()) |
| product of source expression over axis More...
PrimExpr | floor (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Calculate floor(x) More...
PrimExpr | ceil (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Calculate ceil(x) More...
PrimExpr | round (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Calculate round(x) More...
PrimExpr | nearbyint (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Calculates std::nearbyint(x) More...
PrimExpr | trunc (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
| Calculate trunc(x) More...
PrimExpr | LargeUIntImm (DataType dtype, int64_t low, int64_t high, Span span=Span()) |
| Construct a large uint constant by its low 32 bits and high 32bits. More...
PrimExpr | q_multiply_shift (PrimExpr x, PrimExpr y, PrimExpr q, PrimExpr s, Span span=Span()) |
| Execute a multiplication between two Q-numbers x and y followed by a right shift s. The mathematical expression is: More...
PrimExpr | fast_erf_float_expr (PrimExpr arg, int bits) |
| Fast_erf_float expression from Eigen. More...
PrimExpr | exp (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | exp2 (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | exp10 (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | erf (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | tanh (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sigmoid (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sqrt (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | rsqrt (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | log (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | log2 (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | log10 (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | log1p (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | popcount (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | tan (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | cos (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | cosh (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sin (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sinh (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | asin (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | acos (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | atan (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | acosh (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | asinh (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | atanh (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | clz (PrimExpr x, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | atan2 (PrimExpr x, PrimExpr y, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | nextafter (PrimExpr x, PrimExpr y, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | copysign (PrimExpr x, PrimExpr y, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | hypot (PrimExpr x, PrimExpr y, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | ldexp (PrimExpr x, PrimExpr y, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | operator+= (PrimExpr &a, PrimExpr b) |
PrimExpr | operator-= (PrimExpr &a, PrimExpr b) |
PrimExpr | operator*= (PrimExpr &a, PrimExpr b) |
PrimExpr | operator+ (const PrimExpr &a, float b) |
PrimExpr | operator+ (float a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator+ (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator+ (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator+ (const PrimExpr &a, double b) |
PrimExpr | operator- (const PrimExpr &a, float b) |
PrimExpr | operator- (float a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator- (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator- (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator- (const PrimExpr &a, double b) |
PrimExpr | operator* (const PrimExpr &a, float b) |
PrimExpr | operator* (float a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator* (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator* (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator* (const PrimExpr &a, double b) |
PrimExpr | operator> (const PrimExpr &a, float b) |
PrimExpr | operator> (float a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator> (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator> (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator> (const PrimExpr &a, double b) |
PrimExpr | operator>= (const PrimExpr &a, float b) |
PrimExpr | operator>= (float a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator>= (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator>= (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator>= (const PrimExpr &a, double b) |
PrimExpr | operator< (const PrimExpr &a, float b) |
PrimExpr | operator< (float a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator< (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator< (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator< (const PrimExpr &a, double b) |
PrimExpr | operator<= (const PrimExpr &a, float b) |
PrimExpr | operator<= (float a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator<= (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator<= (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator<= (const PrimExpr &a, double b) |
PrimExpr | max (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | max (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | max (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | max (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | max (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | min (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | min (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | min (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | min (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | min (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | div (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | div (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | div (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | div (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | div (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | add (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | add (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | add (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | add (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | add (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sub (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sub (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sub (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sub (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | sub (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | mul (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | mul (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | mul (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | mul (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | mul (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater_equal (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater_equal (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater_equal (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater_equal (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | greater_equal (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less_equal (const PrimExpr &a, float b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less_equal (float a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less_equal (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less_equal (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | less_equal (const PrimExpr &a, double b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | indexdiv (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | indexdiv (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | indexmod (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | indexmod (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | truncdiv (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | truncdiv (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | truncmod (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | truncmod (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | floordiv (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | floordiv (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | floormod (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | floormod (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | right_shift (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | right_shift (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | left_shift (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | left_shift (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | bitwise_and (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | bitwise_and (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | bitwise_or (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | bitwise_or (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | bitwise_xor (const PrimExpr &a, int b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | bitwise_xor (int a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | operator>> (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator>> (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator<< (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator<< (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator& (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator& (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator| (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator| (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator^ (const PrimExpr &a, int b) |
PrimExpr | operator^ (int a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator&& (const PrimExpr &a, bool b) |
PrimExpr | operator&& (bool a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | operator|| (const PrimExpr &a, bool b) |
PrimExpr | operator|| (bool a, const PrimExpr &b) |
PrimExpr | logical_and (const PrimExpr &a, bool b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | logical_and (bool a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | logical_or (const PrimExpr &a, bool b, Span span=Span()) |
PrimExpr | logical_or (bool a, const PrimExpr &b, Span span=Span()) |
template<typename TA > |
void | DivAmbiguityError (const TA &a) |
| Helper function to raise a compiler error about division ambiguity. More...
template<typename TB > |
PrimExpr | operator/ (const PrimExpr &a, const TB &b) |
template<typename TB > |
PrimExpr | operator/= (const PrimExpr &a, const TB &b) |
template<typename TB > |
PrimExpr | operator% (const PrimExpr &a, const TB &b) |