Files | |
file | analysis.h [code] |
file | attrs.h [code] |
Helpers for attribute objects. | |
file | diagnostic.h [code] |
A new diagnostic interface for TVM error reporting. | |
file | env_func.h [code] |
Serializable global function used in IR. | |
file | expr.h [code] |
Base expr nodes in TVM. | |
file | function.h [code] |
Function nodes. | |
file | global_info.h [code] |
GlobalInfo are globally static object that are referred by the IR itself. | |
file | global_var_supply.h [code] |
GlobalVarSupply that can be used to generate unique. | |
file | instrument.h [code] |
file | module.h [code] |
IRModule that holds the functions and type definitions. | |
file | name_supply.h [code] |
NameSupply that can be used to generate unique variable names. | |
file | op.h [code] |
Primitive operators(builtin intrinsics) and registry for them. | |
file | replace_global_vars.h [code] |
A utility to replace GlobalVar instances across all TVM IR types in an IRMdoule. | |
file | source_map.h [code] |
A map from source names to source code. | |
file | transform.h [code] |
file | type.h [code] |
IR/AST nodes for the unified type system in TVM. | |
file | type_functor.h [code] |
A way to defined arbitrary function signature with dispatch on types. | |