29 namespace meta_schedule {
64 static constexpr
const char*
_type_key =
204 static constexpr const
_type_key = "meta_schedule.PyPostproc";
Visitor class to get the attributes of an AST/IR node. The content is going to be called for each fie...
Definition: reflection.h:52
Rules to apply a postprocessor to a schedule.
Definition: postproc.h:37
virtual void InitializeWithTuneContext(const TuneContext &context)=0
Initialize the design space generator with tuning context.
virtual Postproc Clone() const =0
Clone the postprocessor.
virtual ~PostprocNode()=default
Virtual destructor.
virtual bool Apply(const tir::Schedule &sch)=0
Apply a postprocessor to the given schedule.
static constexpr const char * _type_key
Definition: postproc.h:64
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor *v)
Definition: postproc.h:42
Managed reference to PostprocNode.
Definition: postproc.h:72
static Postproc DisallowAsyncStridedMemCopy()
Create a postprocessor that checks if all async mem copies are not strided.
static Postproc RewriteReductionBlock()
Create a postprocessor that rewrites reduction block by moving the init block out.
static Postproc RewriteUnboundBlock(int max_threadblocks)
Create a postprocessor that adds thread binding to unbound blocks.
runtime::TypedPackedFunc< String()> FAsString
Get the postprocessor function as string with name.
Definition: postproc.h:94
runtime::TypedPackedFunc< Postproc()> FClone
Clone the postprocessor.
Definition: postproc.h:89
static Array< Postproc, void > DefaultCUDATensorCore()
Create default postprocessors for CUDA with TensorCore.
static Array< Postproc, void > DefaultCPUTensorization()
Create default postprocessors for x86 (AVX512 and VNNI)
static Array< Postproc, void > DefaultLLVM()
Create default postprocessors for LLVM.
runtime::TypedPackedFunc< void(const TuneContext &)> FInitializeWithTuneContext
The function type of InitializeWithTuneContext method.
Definition: postproc.h:78
static Postproc VerifyGPUCode()
Creates a postprocessor that verifies if the GPU code is correct.
static Array< Postproc, void > DefaultCUDA()
Create default postprocessors for CUDA.
static Postproc RewriteLayout()
Creates a postprocessor that rewrites the layout of input tensor.
static Postproc RewriteCooperativeFetch()
Create a postprocessor that rewrites the cooperative fetch annotation to actual vectorized cooperativ...
static Postproc RewriteTensorize(bool vectorize_init_loop=false)
Create a postprocessor that applies tensorization to annotated blocks.
runtime::TypedPackedFunc< bool(const tir::Schedule &)> FApply
Apply a postprocessor to the given schedule.
Definition: postproc.h:84
static Postproc VerifyVTCMLimit()
Verifies that the VTCM usage of a given schedule is within the provided limit.
static Postproc RewriteParallelVectorizeUnroll()
Creates a postprocessor that applies parallelization, vectorization and auto unrolling according to t...
static Postproc PyPostproc(FInitializeWithTuneContext f_initialize_with_tune_context, FApply f_apply, FClone f_clone, FAsString f_as_string)
Create a postprocessor with customized methods on the python-side.
static Array< Postproc, void > DefaultHexagon()
Create default postprocessors for Hexagon.
static Postproc DisallowDynamicLoop()
Create a postprocessor that checks if all loops are static.
The postprocessor with customized methods on the python-side.
Definition: postproc.h:178
Postproc Clone() const final
Clone the postprocessor.
FAsString f_as_string
The packed function to the AsString function.
Definition: postproc.h:191
void InitializeWithTuneContext(const TuneContext &context) final
Initialize the design space generator with tuning context.
FApply f_apply
The packed function to the Apply function.
Definition: postproc.h:187
bool Apply(const tir::Schedule &sch) final
Apply a postprocessor to the given schedule.
static constexpr const char * _type_key
Definition: postproc.h:204
FInitializeWithTuneContext f_initialize_with_tune_context
The packed function to the InitializeWithTuneContext function.
Definition: postproc.h:185
FClone f_clone
The packed function to the Clone function.
Definition: postproc.h:189
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor *v)
Definition: postproc.h:193
Managed reference to TuneContextNode.
Definition: tune_context.h:95
Array, container representing a contiguous sequence of ObjectRefs.
Definition: array.h:289
Base class of all object reference.
Definition: object.h:519
base class of all object containers.
Definition: object.h:171
Reference to string objects.
Definition: string.h:98
Please refer to TypedPackedFunc<R(Args..)>.
Definition: packed_func.h:63
Managed reference to ScheduleNode.
Definition: schedule.h:877
runtime implementation for LibTorch/TorchScript.
Definition: analyzer.h:36
A managed object in the TVM runtime.
Type-erased function used across TVM API.
Reflection and serialization of compiler IR/AST nodes.