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analysis.h File Reference

The set of Relay analysis passes written in C++. More...

#include <tvm/ir/module.h>
#include <tvm/relay/adt.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/function.h>
#include <tvm/relay/type.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/logging.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
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 runtime implementation for LibTorch/TorchScript.
 Relay: a high level functional IR for TVM.


Kind tvm::relay::KindCheck (const Type &t, const IRModule &mod, Optional< DiagnosticContext > diag_ctx=Optional< DiagnosticContext >())
 Check that types are well kinded by applying "kinding rules". More...
bool tvm::relay::ConstantCheck (const Expr &e)
 Check whether an expression is constant. More...
bool tvm::relay::BasicBlockNormalFormCheck (const Expr &e)
 Check whether an expression is in the basic block normal form. More...
bool tvm::relay::WellFormed (const Expr &expr, Optional< DiagnosticContext > diag_ctx=Optional< DiagnosticContext >())
 Check that each Var is only bound once. More...
tvm::Array< Var > tvm::relay::BoundVars (const Expr &expr)
 Get all bound variables from expression expr. More...
tvm::Array< Var > tvm::relay::BoundVars (const Pattern &pat)
 Get all bound variables from pattern pat. More...
tvm::Array< Var > tvm::relay::FreeVars (const Expr &expr)
 Get free type parameters from expression expr. More...
tvm::Array< Var > tvm::relay::AllVars (const Expr &expr)
 Get all variables from expression expr. More...
tvm::Array< TypeVar > tvm::relay::FreeTypeVars (const Expr &expr, const IRModule &mod)
 Get free TypeVars from expression expr. More...
tvm::Array< TypeVar > tvm::relay::FreeTypeVars (const Type &t, const IRModule &mod)
 Get free TypeVars from type t. More...
tvm::Array< TypeVar > tvm::relay::BoundTypeVars (const Expr &expr, const IRModule &mod)
 Get all bound type variables from expression expr. More...
tvm::Array< TypeVar > tvm::relay::BoundTypeVars (const Type &t, const IRModule &mod)
 Get all bound type variables from type t. More...
tvm::Array< TypeVar > tvm::relay::AllTypeVars (const Expr &expr, const IRModule &mod)
 Get all type variables in expression expr. More...
tvm::Array< TypeVar > tvm::relay::AllTypeVars (const Type &t, const IRModule &mod)
 Get all type variables in type t. More...
Array< Pattern > tvm::relay::UnmatchedCases (const Match &match, const IRModule &mod)
 Finds cases that the given match expression does not catch, if any. More...
std::unordered_map< const Object *, size_t > tvm::relay::GetExprRefCount (const Expr &body)
 Get reference counter of each internal ExprNode in body. More...
IRModule tvm::relay::GetCalibrateModule (IRModule mod)
 Get the updated module for collecting calibration data. More...
Map< GlobalVar, Array< Integer > > tvm::relay::GetCalibrateOutputMap (const IRModule &mod)
 Get the output map between subgrpahs and its inputs/output. More...

Detailed Description

The set of Relay analysis passes written in C++.