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expr.h File Reference

Relay expression language. More...

#include <tvm/ir/attrs.h>
#include <tvm/ir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/ir/module.h>
#include <tvm/ir/op.h>
#include <tvm/target/virtual_device.h>
#include <functional>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "./base.h"
#include "./type.h"
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class  tvm::relay::ConstantNode
 Constant tensor type. More...
class  tvm::relay::Constant
class  tvm::relay::TupleNode
 Tuple container. More...
class  tvm::relay::Tuple
class  tvm::relay::VarNode
 Container for Var. More...
class  tvm::relay::Var
class  tvm::relay::CallNode
 Call container. More...
class  tvm::relay::Call
class  tvm::relay::LetNode
 A binding of a sub-network. More...
class  tvm::relay::Let
class  tvm::relay::IfNode
 container of If More...
class  tvm::relay::If
class  tvm::relay::TupleGetItemNode
class  tvm::relay::TupleGetItem
class  tvm::relay::RefCreateNode
class  tvm::relay::RefCreate
class  tvm::relay::RefReadNode
class  tvm::relay::RefRead
class  tvm::relay::RefWriteNode
class  tvm::relay::RefWrite
class  tvm::relay::TempExprNode
 Base class of the temporary expression. More...
class  tvm::relay::TempExpr


 runtime implementation for LibTorch/TorchScript.
 Relay: a high level functional IR for TVM.


using tvm::relay::Expr = tvm::RelayExpr
using tvm::relay::ExprNode = tvm::RelayExprNode
using tvm::relay::BaseFunc = tvm::BaseFunc
using tvm::relay::BaseFuncNode = tvm::BaseFuncNode
using tvm::relay::GlobalVar = tvm::GlobalVar
using tvm::relay::GlobalVarNode = tvm::GlobalVarNode


GlobalVar tvm::WithFields (GlobalVar global_var, Optional< String > opt_name_hint={}, Optional< Type > opt_type={}, Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device={}, Optional< Span > opt_span={})
 Returns global_var with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns global_var if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
Constant tvm::relay::WithFields (Constant constant, Optional< runtime::NDArray > opt_data={}, Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device={}, Optional< Span > opt_span={})
 Returns constant with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns constant if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
Tuple tvm::relay::WithFields (Tuple tuple, Optional< Array< Expr >> opt_fields=Optional< Array< Expr >>(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns tuple with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns tuple if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
Var tvm::relay::WithFields (Var var, Optional< Id > opt_vid=Optional< Id >(), Optional< Type > opt_type_annotation=Optional< Type >(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns var with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns var if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
Call tvm::relay::WithFields (Call call, Optional< Expr > opt_op=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< Array< Expr >> opt_args=Optional< Array< Expr >>(), Optional< Attrs > opt_attrs=Optional< Attrs >(), Optional< Array< Type >> opt_type_args=Optional< Array< Type >>(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns call with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns call if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
Let tvm::relay::WithFields (Let let, Optional< Var > opt_var=Optional< Var >(), Optional< Expr > opt_value=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< Expr > opt_body=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns let with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns let if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
If tvm::relay::WithFields (If if_expr, Optional< Expr > opt_cond=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< Expr > opt_true_branch=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< Expr > opt_false_branch=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns if_expr with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns if_expr if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
TupleGetItem tvm::relay::WithFields (TupleGetItem tuple_get_item, Optional< Expr > opt_tuple=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< Integer > opt_index=Optional< Integer >(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns tuple_get_item with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns tuple_get_item if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
RefCreate tvm::relay::WithFields (RefCreate ref_create, Optional< Expr > opt_value=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns ref_create with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns ref_crete if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
RefRead tvm::relay::WithFields (RefRead ref_read, Optional< Expr > opt_ref=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns ref_read with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns ref_read if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...
RefWrite tvm::relay::WithFields (RefWrite ref_write, Optional< Expr > opt_ref=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< Expr > opt_value=Optional< Expr >(), Optional< VirtualDevice > opt_virtual_device=Optional< VirtualDevice >(), Optional< Span > opt_span=Optional< Span >())
 Returns ref_write with the given properties. A null property denotes 'no change'. Returns ref_write if all properties are unchanged. Otherwise, returns a copy with the new fields. More...

Detailed Description

Relay expression language.