Contrib APIs of TVM python package.
Contrib API provides many useful not core features. Some of these are useful utilities to interact with thirdparty libraries and tools.
External function interface to BLAS libraries.
- tvm.contrib.cblas.matmul(lhs, rhs, transa=False, transb=False, **kwargs)¶
Create an extern op that compute matrix mult of A and rhs with CrhsLAS This function serves as an example on how to call external libraries.
- tvm.contrib.cblas.batch_matmul(lhs, rhs, transa=False, transb=False, iterative=False, **kwargs)¶
Create an extern op that compute batched matrix mult of A and rhs with CBLAS This function serves as an example on how to call external libraries.
Util to invoke clang in the system.
- tvm.contrib.clang.find_clang(required=True)¶
Find clang in system.
- Parameters
required (bool) – Whether it is required, runtime error will be raised if the compiler is required.
- Returns
valid_list – List of possible paths.
- Return type
list of str
This function will first search clang that matches the major llvm version that built with tvm
- tvm.contrib.clang.create_llvm(inputs, output=None, options=None, cc=None)¶
Create llvm text ir.
- Parameters
inputs (list of str) – List of input files name or code source.
output (str, optional) – Output file, if it is none a temporary file is created
options (list) – The list of additional options string.
cc (str, optional) – The clang compiler, if not specified, we will try to guess the matched clang version.
- Returns
code – The generated llvm text IR.
- Return type¶
Util to invoke C/C++ compilers in the system.
Return the path to the default C/C++ compiler.
- Returns
out – The path to the default C/C++ compiler, or None if none was found.
- Return type
Create shared library.
- Parameters
output (str) – The target shared library.
objects (List[str]) – List of object files.
options (List[str]) – The list of additional options string.
cc (Optional[str]) – The compiler command.
cwd (Optional[str]) – The urrent working directory.
ccache_env (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The environment variable for ccache. Set None to disable ccache by default.
-, inputs, ar=None)¶
Create static library.
-, objects, options=None, cc=None, cwd=None, ccache_env=None)¶
Create executable binary.
- Parameters
output (str) – The target executable.
objects (List[str]) – List of object files.
options (List[str]) – The list of additional options string.
cc (Optional[str]) – The compiler command.
cwd (Optional[str]) – The urrent working directory.
ccache_env (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The environment variable for ccache. Set None to disable ccache by default.
Functor of get_target_triple that can get the target triple using compiler.
- Parameters
compiler (Optional[str]) – The compiler.
- Returns
out – A function that can get target triple according to dumpmachine option of compiler.
- Return type
-, options=None, output_format=None, get_target_triple=None, add_files=None)¶
Create a cross compiler function by specializing compile_func with options.
This function can be used to construct compile functions that can be passed to AutoTVM measure or export_library.
- Parameters
compile_func (Union[str, Callable[[str, str, Optional[str]], None]]) – Function that performs the actual compilation
options (Optional[List[str]]) – List of additional optional string.
output_format (Optional[str]) – Library output format.
get_target_triple (Optional[Callable]) – Function that can target triple according to dumpmachine option of compiler.
add_files (Optional[List[str]]) – List of paths to additional object, source, library files to pass as part of the compilation.
- Returns
fcompile – A compilation function that can be passed to export_library.
- Return type
from tvm.contrib import cc, ndk # export using arm gcc mod = build_runtime_module() mod.export_library(path_dso, fcompile=cc.cross_compiler("arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc")) # specialize ndk compilation options. specialized_ndk = cc.cross_compiler( ndk.create_shared, ["--sysroot=/path/to/sysroot", "-shared", "-fPIC", "-lm"]) mod.export_library(path_dso, fcompile=specialized_ndk)
External function interface to cuBLAS libraries.
- tvm.contrib.cublas.matmul(lhs, rhs, transa=False, transb=False, dtype=None)¶
Create an extern op that compute matrix mult of A and rhs with cuBLAS
- tvm.contrib.cublas.batch_matmul(lhs, rhs, transa=False, transb=False, dtype=None)¶
Create an extern op that compute batch matrix mult of A and rhs with cuBLAS
Wrapping functions to bridge frameworks with DLPack support to TVM
- tvm.contrib.dlpack.convert_func(tvm_func, tensor_type, to_dlpack_func)¶
- Convert a tvm function into one that accepts a tensor from another
framework, provided the other framework supports DLPACK
- Parameters
tvm_func (Function) – Built tvm function operating on arrays
tensor_type (Type) – Type of the tensors of the target framework
to_dlpack_func (Function) – Function to convert the source tensors to DLPACK
- tvm.contrib.dlpack.to_pytorch_func(tvm_func)¶
Convert a tvm function into one that accepts PyTorch tensors
- Parameters
tvm_func (Function) – Built tvm function operating on arrays
- Returns
wrapped_func – Wrapped tvm function that operates on PyTorch tensors
- Return type
Util to invoke emscripten compilers in the system.
- tvm.contrib.emcc.create_tvmjs_wasm(output, objects, options=None, cc='emcc')¶
Create wasm that is supposed to run with the tvmjs.
External function interface to MIOpen library.
- tvm.contrib.miopen.conv2d_forward(x, w, stride_h=1, stride_w=1, pad_h=0, pad_w=0, dilation_h=1, dilation_w=1, conv_mode=0, data_type=1, group_count=1)¶
Create an extern op that compute 2D convolution with MIOpen
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input feature map
w (Tensor) – convolution weight
stride_h (int) – height stride
stride_w (int) – width stride
pad_h (int) – height pad
pad_w (int) – weight pad
dilation_h (int) – height dilation
dilation_w (int) – width dilation
conv_mode (int) – 0: miopenConvolution 1: miopenTranspose
data_type (int) – 0: miopenHalf (fp16) 1: miopenFloat (fp32)
group_count (int) – number of groups
- Returns
y – The result tensor
- Return type
- tvm.contrib.miopen.softmax(x, axis=- 1)¶
Compute softmax with MIOpen
- Parameters
x (tvm.te.Tensor) – The input tensor
axis (int) – The axis to compute softmax over
- Returns
ret – The result tensor
- Return type
- tvm.contrib.miopen.log_softmax(x, axis=- 1)¶
Compute log softmax with MIOpen
- Parameters
x (tvm.te.Tensor) – The input tensor
axis (int) – The axis to compute log softmax over
- Returns
ret – The result tensor
- Return type
MXNet bridge wrap Function MXNet’s async function.
- tvm.contrib.mxnet.to_mxnet_func(func, const_loc=None)¶
Wrap a TVM function as MXNet function
MXNet function runs asynchrously via its engine.
- Parameters
func (Function) – A TVM function that can take positional arguments
const_loc (list of int) – List of integers indicating the argument position of read only NDArray argument. The NDArray argument location that are not annotated will be viewed as mutable arrays in MXNet’s engine.
- Returns
async_func – A function that can take MXNet NDArray as argument in places that used to expect TVM NDArray. Run asynchrously in MXNet’s async engine.
- Return type
External function interface to NNPACK libraries.
- tvm.contrib.nnpack.is_available()¶
Check whether NNPACK is available, that is, nnp_initialize() returns nnp_status_success.
- tvm.contrib.nnpack.fully_connected_inference(lhs, rhs, nthreads=1)¶
Create an extern op that compute fully connected of 1D tensor lhs and 2D tensor rhs with nnpack.
- tvm.contrib.nnpack.convolution_inference(data, kernel, bias, padding, stride, nthreads=1, algorithm=0)¶
Create an extern op to do inference convolution of 4D tensor data and 4D tensor kernel and 1D tensor bias with nnpack.
- Parameters
data (Tensor) – data 4D tensor input[batch][input_channels][input_height][input_width] of FP32 elements.
kernel (Tensor) – kernel 4D tensor kernel[output_channels][input_channels][kernel_height] [kernel_width] of FP32 elements.
bias (Tensor) – bias 1D array bias[output_channels][input_channels][kernel_height] [kernel_width] of FP32 elements.
padding (list) – padding A 4-dim list of [pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right], which indicates the padding around the feature map.
stride (list) – stride A 2-dim list of [stride_height, stride_width], which indicates the stride.
- Returns
output – output 4D tensor output[batch][output_channels][output_height][output_width] of FP32 elements.
- Return type
- tvm.contrib.nnpack.convolution_inference_without_weight_transform(data, transformed_kernel, bias, padding, stride, nthreads=1, algorithm=0)¶
Create an extern op to do inference convolution of 4D tensor data and 4D pre-transformed tensor kernel and 1D tensor bias with nnpack.
- Parameters
data (Tensor) – data 4D tensor input[batch][input_channels][input_height][input_width] of FP32 elements.
transformed_kernel (Tensor) – transformed_kernel 4D tensor kernel[output_channels][input_channels][tile] [tile] of FP32 elements.
bias (Tensor) – bias 1D array bias[output_channels][input_channels][kernel_height] [kernel_width] of FP32 elements.
padding (list) – padding A 4-dim list of [pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right], which indicates the padding around the feature map.
stride (list) – stride A 2-dim list of [stride_height, stride_width], which indicates the stride.
- Returns
output – output 4D tensor output[batch][output_channels][output_height][output_width] of FP32 elements.
- Return type
- tvm.contrib.nnpack.convolution_inference_weight_transform(kernel, nthreads=1, algorithm=0, dtype='float32')¶
Create an extern op to do inference convolution of 3D tensor data and 4D tensor kernel and 1D tensor bias with nnpack.
Utility to invoke nvcc compiler in the system
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.compile_cuda(code, target_format='ptx', arch=None, options=None, path_target=None)¶
Compile cuda code with NVCC from env.
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.find_cuda_path()¶
Utility function to find cuda path
- Returns
path – Path to cuda root.
- Return type
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.get_cuda_version(cuda_path=None)¶
Utility function to get cuda version
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.get_target_compute_version(target=None)¶
Utility function to get compute capability of compilation target.
Looks for the target arch in three different places, first in the target input, then the Target.current() scope, and finally the GPU device (if it exists).
- Parameters
target (, optional) – The compilation target
- Returns
compute_version – compute capability of a GPU (e.g. “8.6”)
- Return type
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.parse_compute_version(compute_version)¶
Parse compute capability string to divide major and minor version
- Parameters
compute_version (str) – compute capability of a GPU (e.g. “6.0”)
- Returns
major (int) – major version number
minor (int) – minor version number
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.have_fp16(compute_version)¶
Either fp16 support is provided in the compute capability or not
- Parameters
compute_version (str) – compute capability of a GPU (e.g. “6.0”)
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.have_int8(compute_version)¶
Either int8 support is provided in the compute capability or not
- Parameters
compute_version (str) – compute capability of a GPU (e.g. “6.1”)
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.have_tensorcore(compute_version=None, target=None)¶
Either TensorCore support is provided in the compute capability or not
- Parameters
compute_version (str, optional) – compute capability of a GPU (e.g. “7.0”).
target (, optional) – The compilation target, will be used to determine arch if compute_version isn’t specified.
- tvm.contrib.nvcc.have_cudagraph()¶
Either CUDA Graph support is provided
Memoize result of function via pickle, used for cache testcases.
- class tvm.contrib.pickle_memoize.Cache(key, save_at_exit)¶
A cache object for result cache.
- tvm.contrib.pickle_memoize.memoize(key, save_at_exit=False)¶
Memoize the result of function and reuse multiple times.
External function interface to random library.
- tvm.contrib.random.randint(low, high, size, dtype='int32')¶
Return random integers from low (inclusive) to high (exclusive). Return random integers from the “discrete uniform” distribution of the specified dtype in the “half-open” interval [low, high).
- tvm.contrib.random.uniform(low, high, size)¶
Draw samples from a uniform distribution.
Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval [low, high) (includes low, but excludes high). In other words, any value within the given interval is equally likely to be drawn by uniform.
- Parameters
low (float) – Lower boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be greater than or equal to low.
high (float) – Upper boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be less than high.
size (tuple of ints) – Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn.
- Returns
out – A tensor with specified size and dtype.
- Return type
- tvm.contrib.random.normal(loc, scale, size)¶
Draw samples from a normal distribution.
Return random samples from a normal distribution.
Relay IR Visualizer
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.RelayVisualizer(relay_mod:, relay_param: Optional[Dict[str, tvm.runtime.ndarray.NDArray]] = None, plotter: Optional[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.Plotter] = None, parser: Optional[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizParser] = None)¶
Relay IR Visualizer
- Parameters
relay_mod (tvm.IRModule) – Relay IR module.
relay_param (None | Dict[str, tvm.runtime.NDArray]) – Relay parameter dictionary. Default None.
plotter (Plotter) – An instance of class inheriting from Plotter interface. Default is an instance of terminal.TermPlotter.
parser (VizParser) – An instance of class inheriting from VizParser interface. Default is an instance of terminal.TermVizParser.
Visualize Relay IR by Graphviz DOT language.
- class str, graph_attr: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, node_attr: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, edge_attr: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, get_node_attr: Optional[Callable[[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode], Dict[str, str]]] = None)¶
DOT graph for relay IR.
See also
- Parameters
name (str) – name of this graph.
graph_attr (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – key-value pairs for the graph.
node_attr (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – key-value pairs for all nodes.
edge_attr (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – key-value pairs for all edges.
get_node_attr (Optional[Callable[[VizNode], Dict[str, str]]]) – A callable returning attributes for the node.
- node(viz_node: tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode) None ¶
Add a node to the underlying graph. Nodes in a Relay IR Module are expected to be added in the post-order.
- Parameters
viz_node (VizNode) – A VizNode instance.
- edge(viz_edge: tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizEdge) None ¶
Add an edge to the underlying graph.
- Parameters
viz_edge (VizEdge) – A VizEdge instance.
- class Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, node_attr: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, edge_attr: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, get_node_attr: Optional[Callable[[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode], Dict[str, str]]] = None, render_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)¶
DOT language graph plotter
The plotter accepts various graphviz attributes for graphs, nodes, and edges. Please refer to for available attributes.
- Parameters
graph_attr (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – key-value pairs for all graphs.
node_attr (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – key-value pairs for all nodes.
edge_attr (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – key-value pairs for all edges.
get_node_attr (Optional[Callable[[VizNode], Dict[str, str]]]) – A callable returning attributes for a specific node.
render_kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – keyword arguments directly passed to graphviz.Digraph.render().
from tvm.contrib import relay_viz from tvm.relay.testing import resnet mod, param = resnet.get_workload(num_layers=18) # graphviz attributes graph_attr = {"color": "red"} node_attr = {"color": "blue"} edge_attr = {"color": "black"} # VizNode is passed to the callback. # We want to color NCHW conv2d nodes. Also give Var a different shape. def get_node_attr(node): if "nn.conv2d" in node.type_name and "NCHW" in node.detail: return { "fillcolor": "green", "style": "filled", "shape": "box", } if "Var" in node.type_name: return {"shape": "ellipse"} return {"shape": "box"} # Create plotter and pass it to viz. Then render the graph. dot_plotter = relay_viz.DotPlotter( graph_attr=graph_attr, node_attr=node_attr, edge_attr=edge_attr, get_node_attr=get_node_attr) viz = relay_viz.RelayVisualizer( mod, relay_param=param, plotter=dot_plotter, parser=relay_viz.DotVizParser()) viz.render("hello")
Visualize Relay IR in AST text-form.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.terminal.TermVizParser¶
TermVizParser parse nodes and edges for TermPlotter.
- get_node_edges(node:, relay_param: Dict[str, tvm.runtime.ndarray.NDArray], node_to_id: Dict[, str]) Tuple[Optional[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode], List[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizEdge]] ¶
Parse a node and edges from a relay.Expr.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.terminal.TermNode(viz_node: tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode)¶
TermNode is aimed to generate text more suitable for terminal visualization.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.terminal.TermGraph(name: str)¶
Terminal graph for a relay IR Module
- Parameters
name (str) – name of this graph.
- node(viz_node: tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode) None ¶
Add a node to the underlying graph. Nodes in a Relay IR Module are expected to be added in the post-order.
- Parameters
viz_node (VizNode) – A VizNode instance.
- edge(viz_edge: tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizEdge) None ¶
Add an edge to the terminal graph.
- Parameters
viz_edge (VizEdge) – A VizEdge instance.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.terminal.TermPlotter¶
Terminal plotter
- create_graph(name)¶
Create a VizGraph
- Parameters
name (str) – the name of the graph
- Returns
- Return type
an instance of class inheriting from VizGraph interface.
- render(filename)¶
If filename is None, print to stdio. Otherwise, write to the filename.
Abstract class used by tvm.contrib.relay_viz.RelayVisualizer
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode(node_id: str, node_type: str, node_detail: str)¶
VizNode carry node information for VizGraph interface.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizEdge(start_node: str, end_node: str)¶
VizEdge connect two VizNode.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizParser¶
VizParser parses out a VizNode and VizEdges from a relay.Expr.
- abstract get_node_edges(node:, relay_param: Dict[str, tvm.runtime.ndarray.NDArray], node_to_id: Dict[, str]) Tuple[Optional[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode], List[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizEdge]] ¶
Get VizNode and VizEdges for a relay.Expr.
- Parameters
- Returns
rv1 (Union[VizNode, None]) – VizNode represent the relay.Expr. If the relay.Expr is not intended to introduce a node to the graph, return None.
rv2 (List[VizEdge]) – a list of VizEdges to describe the connectivity of the relay.Expr. Can be empty list to indicate no connectivity.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizGraph¶
Abstract class for graph, which is composed of nodes and edges.
- abstract node(viz_node: tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode) None ¶
Add a node to the underlying graph. Nodes in a Relay IR Module are expected to be added in the post-order.
- Parameters
viz_node (VizNode) – A VizNode instance.
- abstract edge(viz_edge: tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizEdge) None ¶
Add an edge to the underlying graph.
- Parameters
viz_edge (VizEdge) – A VizEdge instance.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.DefaultVizParser¶
DefaultVizParser provde a set of logics to parse a various relay types. These logics are inspired and heavily based on visualize function in
- get_node_edges(node:, relay_param: Dict[str, tvm.runtime.ndarray.NDArray], node_to_id: Dict[, str]) Tuple[Optional[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizNode], List[tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizEdge]] ¶
Get VizNode and VizEdges for a relay.Expr.
- Parameters
- Returns
rv1 (Union[VizNode, None]) – VizNode represent the relay.Expr. If the relay.Expr is not intended to introduce a node to the graph, return None.
rv2 (List[VizEdge]) – a list of VizEdges to describe the connectivity of the relay.Expr. Can be empty list to indicate no connectivity.
- class tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.Plotter¶
Plotter can render a collection of Graph interfaces to a file.
- abstract create_graph(name: str) tvm.contrib.relay_viz.interface.VizGraph ¶
Create a VizGraph
- Parameters
name (str) – the name of the graph
- Returns
- Return type
an instance of class inheriting from VizGraph interface.
External function interface to rocBLAS libraries.
- tvm.contrib.rocblas.matmul(lhs, rhs, transa=False, transb=False)¶
Create an extern op that compute matrix mult of A and rhs with rocBLAS
- tvm.contrib.rocblas.batch_matmul(lhs, rhs, transa=False, transb=False)¶
Create an extern op that compute matrix mult of A and rhs with rocBLAS
Utility for ROCm backend
- tvm.contrib.rocm.find_lld(required=True)¶
Find ld.lld in system.
- Parameters
required (bool) – Whether it is required, runtime error will be raised if the compiler is required.
- Returns
valid_list – List of possible paths.
- Return type
list of str
This function will first search ld.lld that matches the major llvm version that built with tvm
- tvm.contrib.rocm.rocm_link(in_file, out_file, lld=None)¶
Link relocatable ELF object to shared ELF object using lld
- tvm.contrib.rocm.parse_compute_version(compute_version)¶
Parse compute capability string to divide major and minor version
- Parameters
compute_version (str) – compute capability of a GPU (e.g. “6.0”)
- Returns
major (int) – major version number
minor (int) – minor version number
- tvm.contrib.rocm.have_matrixcore(compute_version=None)¶
Either MatrixCore support is provided in the compute capability or not
Tensor and Operation class for computation declaration.
- class tvm.contrib.sparse.CSRNDArray(arg1, device=None, shape=None)¶
Sparse tensor object in CSR format.
- asnumpy()¶
Construct a full matrix and convert it to numpy array. This API will be deprecated in TVM v0.8 release. Please use numpy instead.
- numpy()¶
Construct a full matrix and convert it to numpy array.
- tvm.contrib.sparse.array(source_array, device=None, shape=None, stype='csr')¶
Construct a sparse NDArray from numpy.ndarray
- class tvm.contrib.sparse.SparsePlaceholderOp(shape, nonzeros, dtype, name)¶
Placeholder class for sparse tensor representations.
- class tvm.contrib.sparse.CSRPlaceholderOp(shape, nonzeros, dtype, name)¶
Placeholder class for CSR based sparse tensor representation.
- tvm.contrib.sparse.placeholder(shape, nonzeros=None, dtype=None, name='placeholder', stype=None)¶
Construct an empty sparse tensor object.
- Parameters
- Returns
tensor – The created sparse tensor placeholder
- Return type
Utility for Interacting with SPIRV Tools
Util to invoke tarball in the system.
- tvm.contrib.tar.tar(output, files)¶
Create tarball containing all files in root.
- tvm.contrib.tar.untar(tar_file, directory)¶
Unpack all tar files into the directory
- tvm.contrib.tar.normalize_file_list_by_unpacking_tars(temp, file_list)¶
Normalize the file list by unpacking tars in list.
When a filename is a tar, it will untar it into an unique dir in temp and return the list of files in the tar. When a filename is a normal file, it will be simply added to the list.
This is useful to untar objects in tar and then turn them into a library.
- Parameters
temp (tvm.contrib.utils.TempDirectory) – A temp dir to hold the untared files.
file_list (List[str]) – List of path
- Returns
ret_list – An updated list of files
- Return type
Common system utilities
- exception tvm.contrib.utils.DirectoryCreatedPastAtExit¶
Raised when a TempDirectory is created after the atexit hook runs.
- class tvm.contrib.utils.TempDirectory(custom_path=None, keep_for_debug=None)¶
Helper object to manage temp directory during testing.
Automatically removes the directory when it went out of scope.
- classmethod set_keep_for_debug(set_to=True)¶
Keep temporary directories past program exit for debugging.
- remove()¶
Remove the tmp dir
- relpath(name)¶
Relative path in temp dir
- tvm.contrib.utils.tempdir(custom_path=None, keep_for_debug=None)¶
Create temp dir which deletes the contents when exit.
- Parameters
- Returns
temp – The temp directory object
- Return type
- class tvm.contrib.utils.FileLock(path)¶
File lock object
- Parameters
path (str) – The path to the lock
- release()¶
Release the lock
- tvm.contrib.utils.filelock(path)¶
Create a file lock which locks on path
- Parameters
path (str) – The path to the lock
- Returns
- Return type
File lock object
- tvm.contrib.utils.is_source_path(path)¶
Check if path is source code path.
Utility to invoke Xcode compiler toolchain
- tvm.contrib.xcode.xcrun(cmd)¶
Run xcrun and return the output.
- Parameters
cmd (list of str) – The command sequence.
- Returns
out – The output string.
- Return type
- tvm.contrib.xcode.create_dylib(output, objects, arch, sdk='macosx', min_os_version=None)¶
Create dynamic library.
- tvm.contrib.xcode.compile_metal(code, path_target=None, sdk='macosx', min_os_version=None)¶
Compile metal with CLI tool from env.
- tvm.contrib.xcode.compile_coreml(model, model_name='main', out_dir='.')¶
Compile coreml model and return the compiled model path.