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tvm::arith Namespace Reference

namespace of arithmetic analysis. More...


class  ConstIntBoundNode
 Constant integer up and lower bound(inclusive). Useful for value bound analysis. More...
class  ConstIntBound
 reference class to ConstIntBoundNode More...
class  ConstIntBoundAnalyzer
 Analyzer to get constant integer bound over expression. More...
class  ModularSetNode
 Range of a linear integer function. Use to do specify the possible index values. More...
class  ModularSet
 reference of ModularSetNode More...
class  ModularSetAnalyzer
 Analyzer to get modular information over expression. More...
class  RewriteSimplifier
 Rewrite-rule based simplifier. More...
class  CanonicalSimplifier
 Canonical-form based simplifier. More...
class  TransitiveComparisonAnalyzer
 Using previously specified knowns, compare the expressions provided. More...
class  ConstraintContext
 Constraint context. More...
class  IntSetAnalyzer
 Integer set analyzer. More...
class  Analyzer
 Analyzer that contains bunch of sub-analyzers. More...
class  IntSetNode
 Base class of all Integer set containers. represent a set of integers in one dimension. More...
class  IntSet
 Managed reference to IntSetNode. More...
class  IntGroupBoundsNode
 Represent integer grouped bounds which are classified into lower bounds (inclusive), upper bounds (inclusive) and equalities. It also contains coefficient as a multiplier for the bounds, i.e., coef * var >= lower coef * var == equal coef * var <= upper. More...
class  IntGroupBounds
 Managed reference to IntGroupBoundsNode. More...
class  IntConstraintsNode
 Represent integer constrains including (integer) variables, their ranges and the relations between them (either equations or inequalities). More...
class  IntConstraints
 Managed reference to IntConstraintsNode. More...
class  IntConstraintsTransformNode
 We can have different set of variables to represent the same constraints. For example, the following two systems are equivalent, {a + b = 0 | a >= 0, b >= 0} and {m - n = 0 | m >= 0, n <= 0} This data structure represents the transformation between two equivalent linear systems. In the above example, src : {a + b = 0 | a >= 0, b >= 0} dst : {m - n = 0 | m >= 0, n <= 0} src_to_dst : {a -> m, b -> -n} dst_to_src : {m -> a, n -> -b}. More...
class  IntConstraintsTransform
 Managed reference to IntConstraintsTransformNode. More...
class  IterMapExprNode
 Base class of all iter map expressions. More...
class  IterMapExpr
 Managed reference to IterMapExprNode. More...
class  IterMarkNode
 Mark the source as an iterator in [0, extent). More...
class  IterMark
 Managed reference to IterMarkExprNode. More...
class  IterSplitExprNode
 Split of an iterator. More...
class  IterSplitExpr
 Managed reference to IterSplitExprNode. More...
class  IterSumExprNode
 Fuse multiple iterators by summing them with scaling. More...
class  IterSumExpr
 Managed reference to IterSumExprNode. More...
class  IterMapResultNode
 Result of DetectIterMap. More...
class  IterMapResult
 Managed reference to IterMapResultNode. More...


using ExprIntSetMap = std::unordered_map< PrimExpr, IntSet, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual >
 Map from Expr to IntSet. More...
typedef std::pair< Map< Var, IntGroupBounds >, Array< PrimExpr > > PartialSolvedInequalities


enum  DivMode { kTruncDiv , kFloorDiv }
enum class  ProofStrength : int { kDefault = 0 , kSymbolicBound = 1 }
 The strength used in top-level condition proves. More...
enum class  CompareResult : int {
  kInconsistent = 0 , kEQ = 1 , kLT = 2 , kLE = 3 ,
  kGT = 4 , kGE = 5 , kNE = 6 , kUnknown = 7
 Structure for representing result of known. More...
enum  SignType {
  kPositive , kNegative , kZero , kUnknown ,
  kUnknown = 7
 Sign type of an integer expression. More...
enum  IterMapLevel { Bijective = 0 , Surjective = 1 , NoCheck = 3 }
 Mapping level for iterators. More...


constexpr CompareResult operator& (CompareResult lhs, CompareResult rhs)
constexpr CompareResult operator| (CompareResult lhs, CompareResult rhs)
IntSet DeduceBound (PrimExpr v, PrimExpr cond, const Map< Var, IntSet > &hint_map, const Map< Var, IntSet > &relax_map)
 Deduce the bound of the target variable in a expression, give the domain of each variables. Return undefined IntSet to represent failure. More...
IntSet DeduceBound (PrimExpr v, PrimExpr cond, const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &hint_map, const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &relax_map)
 Same as DeduceBound with unordered_map signature. More...
Region DomainTouched (const Stmt &body, const tir::Buffer &buffer, bool consider_loads, bool consider_stores)
 Infer a regular domain that covers all the calls or provides within the given statement. More...
Map< Var, IntSetConvertDomMap (const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Convert std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, IntSet> to Map<Var, IntSet> More...
IntSet EvalSet (PrimExpr e, const Map< IterVar, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Find an symbolic integer set that contains all possible values of e given the domain of each iteration variables. More...
IntSet EvalSet (PrimExpr e, const Map< Var, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Find an symbolic integer set that contains all possible values of e given the domain of each variables. More...
IntSet EvalSet (PrimExpr e, const std::unordered_map< const tir::VarNode *, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Same as EvalSet, but takes unordered_map. More...
IntSet EvalSet (Range r, const Map< IterVar, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Find an symbolic integer set that contains is union over all the possible conditional values in dom_map. More...
IntSet EvalSet (IntSet s, const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Find an symbolic integer set that contains is union over all the possible conditional values in dom_map. More...
IntSet EvalSet (Range r, const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Same as EvalSet, but takes unordered_map. More...
Array< IntSetEvalSet (const Array< Range > &region, const Map< Var, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Same as EvalSet, but takes Array<Range> More...
ExprIntSetMap EvalSetForEachSubExpr (PrimExpr e, const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &dom_map)
 Find the integer set of every sub-expression, given the domain of each iteration variables. More...
IntSet Union (const Array< IntSet > &sets)
 Create a union set of all sets, possibly relaxed. More...
Array< IntSetUnionRegion (const Array< Array< IntSet >> &nd_int_sets)
 The union of N-dimensional integer sets. More...
IntSet UnionLowerBound (const Array< IntSet > &sets)
 Create a lower-bound of union set, where some of the segments may be dropped. More...
Array< IntSetUnionRegionLowerBound (const Array< Array< IntSet >> &nd_int_sets)
 The union of N-dimensional integer sets. More...
IntSet Intersect (const Array< IntSet > &sets)
 Create an intersected set of all sets. More...
Map< Var, arith::IntSetAsIntSet (const Map< Var, Range > &var_dom)
 Converts the Ranges to IntSets. More...
Optional< Array< IntSet > > EstimateRegionStrictBound (const Array< Range > &region, const Map< Var, Range > &var_dom, const PrimExpr &predicate, arith::Analyzer *analyzer)
 Analyze the region with affine map, given the domain of variables and their predicate. The result should be strict, i.e. no region is discarded or relaxed. More...
Optional< Array< IntSet > > EstimateRegionLowerBound (const Array< Range > &region, const Map< Var, Range > &var_dom, const PrimExpr &predicate, arith::Analyzer *analyzer)
 Analyze the region with affine map, given the domain of variables and their predicate. Some subregion may be discarded during the lower-bound analysis. More...
Array< IntSetEstimateRegionUpperBound (const Array< Range > &region, const Map< Var, Range > &var_dom, const PrimExpr &predicate, arith::Analyzer *analyzer)
 Analyze the region with affine map, given the domain of variables and their predicate Relaxation of the region may be used in upper-bound analysis, i.e. some extra region may be added to the result. More...
void SmithNormalFormDiag (std::vector< std::vector< int64_t >> *S, std::vector< std::vector< int64_t >> *V, std::vector< PrimExpr > *x, std::vector< PrimExpr > *y)
 Obtain Smith Normal Form of linear equation A x = y. Smith Normal Form of matrix A_{mxn} is S_{mxn} = U_{mxm} A_{mxn} V_{nxn}, in which S_{mxn} is diag(s1, s2, ..., sr, 0, ..., 0) and r is the rank of A. NOTE: Although in standard Smith Normal Form the diagonal elements satisfy s_i | s_{i+1} (| means divides), the implement here does not guarantee it. TODO(yzhliu): From sergei-grechanik: computing the proper Smith normal form may improve stability of automatic differentiation (generating the same gradient code for slightly different but equivalent input code U_{mxm} and V_{nxn} are invertible matrices. This function modifies S to be S_{mxn}, V to be V_{nxn}, y to be U_{mxm} y_{mx1} and x to be V^{-1} x. More...
IntConstraintsTransform SolveLinearEquations (const IntConstraints &system_to_solve)
 Solve linear equations. More...
PartialSolvedInequalities SolveLinearInequalities (const IntConstraints &system_to_solve)
 Solve linear inequalities. More...
Array< PrimExprAsConditions (const Array< Var > &variables, const Map< Var, IntGroupBounds > &bounds, const Array< PrimExpr > &relations)
 Combine the information into an array of (in)equalities. More...
IntConstraints SolveInequalitiesToRange (const IntConstraints &system_to_solve)
 Solve linear inequalities and infer the range of each variable. More...
IntConstraintsTransform SolveInequalitiesDeskewRange (const IntConstraints &system_to_solve)
 Solve linear inequalities and deskew the ranges towards zero. More...
IterMapResult DetectIterMap (const Array< PrimExpr > &indices, const Map< Var, Range > &input_iters, const PrimExpr &predicate, IterMapLevel check_level, arith::Analyzer *analyzer, bool simplify_trivial_iterators=true)
 Detect if indices can be written as [y_0 + c_0, y_1 + c_1, ..., y_n + c_n]. More...
Array< PrimExprIterMapSimplify (const Array< PrimExpr > &indices, const Map< Var, Range > &input_iters, const PrimExpr &input_pred, IterMapLevel check_level, arith::Analyzer *analyzer, bool simplify_trivial_iterators=true)
 Use IterVarMap detector to rewrite and simplify the indices. More...
Map< Var, PrimExprInverseAffineIterMap (const Array< IterSumExpr > &iter_map, const Array< PrimExpr > outputs)
 Apply the inverse of the affine transformation to the outputs. More...
Array< Array< IterMark > > SubspaceDivide (const Array< PrimExpr > &bindings, const Map< Var, Range > &input_iters, const Array< Var > &sub_iters, const PrimExpr &predicate, IterMapLevel check_level, arith::Analyzer *analyzer, bool simplify_trivial_iterators=true)
 Detect if bindings can be written as [a_0*e_0 + b_0 + c_0, a_1*e_1 + b_1, ..., a_n*e_n + b_n]. More...
PrimExpr NormalizeIterMapToExpr (const PrimExpr &expr)
 Given an expression that may contain IterMapExpr, transform it to normal PrimExpr. More...
IterSumExpr NormalizeToIterSum (PrimExpr index, const Map< Var, Range > &input_iters, arith::Analyzer *analyzer)
 Rewrite index as IterSumExpr. More...
Array< PrimExprDetectLinearEquation (const PrimExpr &e, const Array< tir::Var > &vars)
 Detect if e can be rewritten as e = sum_{i=0}^{n-1} var[i] * coeff[i] + coeff[n] Where coeff[i] and base are invariant of var[j] for all i and j. More...
Array< PrimExprDetectClipBound (const PrimExpr &e, const Array< tir::Var > &vars)
 Detect if expression corresponds to clip bound of the vars. More...


constexpr int kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite = 3

Detailed Description

namespace of arithmetic analysis.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ExprIntSetMap

using tvm::arith::ExprIntSetMap = typedef std::unordered_map<PrimExpr, IntSet, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual>

Map from Expr to IntSet.

◆ PartialSolvedInequalities

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CompareResult

enum tvm::arith::CompareResult : int

Structure for representing result of known.

Values are assigned to allow these flags to be used in bitwise operations.


◆ DivMode


Truncated division.


Floor division.

◆ IterMapLevel

Mapping level for iterators.


◆ ProofStrength

enum tvm::arith::ProofStrength : int

The strength used in top-level condition proves.

The higher, the more time consuming it can be.

Do not use level beyond kDefault in internal recursive rewriting in arith analysis and only use it at top-level simplification to avoid speed issues.


default strength, can be used in.


Prove using symbolic bound analysis.

◆ SignType

Sign type of an integer expression.


Function Documentation

◆ AsConditions()

Array<PrimExpr> tvm::arith::AsConditions ( const Array< Var > &  variables,
const Map< Var, IntGroupBounds > &  bounds,
const Array< PrimExpr > &  relations 

Combine the information into an array of (in)equalities.

variablesThe variables in bounds. It is used to determine the iteration order to avoid indeterministic results.
boundsgrouped boundary of the variables.
relationsother relations.

◆ AsIntSet()

Map<Var, arith::IntSet> tvm::arith::AsIntSet ( const Map< Var, Range > &  var_dom)

Converts the Ranges to IntSets.

var_domThe ranges of variables
The integer sets of the variables

◆ ConvertDomMap()

Map<Var, IntSet> tvm::arith::ConvertDomMap ( const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &  dom_map)

Convert std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, IntSet> to Map<Var, IntSet>

dom_mapThe domain map to convert.
The converted map.

◆ DeduceBound() [1/2]

IntSet tvm::arith::DeduceBound ( PrimExpr  v,
PrimExpr  cond,
const Map< Var, IntSet > &  hint_map,
const Map< Var, IntSet > &  relax_map 

Deduce the bound of the target variable in a expression, give the domain of each variables. Return undefined IntSet to represent failure.

The returned set may be smaller than set that contains all possible values of v that satisfies the bound.
vThe target variable to be deduced.
condThe conditional expression.
hint_mapThe domain of variable, used to help deduce.
relax_mapThe domain of each variable, used to relax the domain, The deduce bound must implies e for all value in relax_map
An integer set that always satisfies the condition.

◆ DeduceBound() [2/2]

IntSet tvm::arith::DeduceBound ( PrimExpr  v,
PrimExpr  cond,
const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &  hint_map,
const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &  relax_map 

Same as DeduceBound with unordered_map signature.

vThe target variable to be deduced.
condThe conditional expression.
hint_mapThe domain of variable, used to help deduce.
relax_mapThe domain of each variable, used to relax the domain, The deduce bound mush implies e for all value in relax_map
An integer set that always satisfies the condition.

◆ DetectClipBound()

Array<PrimExpr> tvm::arith::DetectClipBound ( const PrimExpr e,
const Array< tir::Var > &  vars 

Detect if expression corresponds to clip bound of the vars.

eThe expression to be detected.
varsList of variables to be used in detection.
concat([min_value[i], max_value[i]]), None is returned if there is no min or max value return empty if the e does not match the pattern.

◆ DetectIterMap()

IterMapResult tvm::arith::DetectIterMap ( const Array< PrimExpr > &  indices,
const Map< Var, Range > &  input_iters,
const PrimExpr predicate,
IterMapLevel  check_level,
arith::Analyzer analyzer,
bool  simplify_trivial_iterators = true 

Detect if indices can be written as [y_0 + c_0, y_1 + c_1, ..., y_n + c_n].

Here y = some-quasi-affine-iter-map(input_iters) and c are symbolic constants.

We also requires that y_i and y_j to be independent for i != j.

For returned value rv, the following is always true:

  • rv[i]->args.size() <=1: only one iterator per element.
indicesThe indices to detect pattern for.
input_itersMap from variable to iterator's range.
predicateThe predicate constraints on the input iterators
check_levelThe iter mapping checking level.
analyzerAnalyzer used to get context information.
simplify_trivial_iteratorsIf true, iterators with extent of 1 will be replaced with a constant value.
The detected iteration result. The return object's .indices is empty on failure.

◆ DetectLinearEquation()

Array<PrimExpr> tvm::arith::DetectLinearEquation ( const PrimExpr e,
const Array< tir::Var > &  vars 

Detect if e can be rewritten as e = sum_{i=0}^{n-1} var[i] * coeff[i] + coeff[n] Where coeff[i] and base are invariant of var[j] for all i and j.

eThe expression to be detected.
varsList of variables to be used in detection.
[coeff[i]] if it is possible, empty array if it is not.

◆ DomainTouched()

Region tvm::arith::DomainTouched ( const Stmt body,
const tir::Buffer buffer,
bool  consider_loads,
bool  consider_stores 

Infer a regular domain that covers all the calls or provides within the given statement.

bodyThe given statement.
bufferThe buffer to check the access info.
consider_loadsIf loads are considered.
consider_storesIf stores are considered.
The domain that covers all the calls or provides within the given statement.

◆ EstimateRegionLowerBound()

Optional<Array<IntSet> > tvm::arith::EstimateRegionLowerBound ( const Array< Range > &  region,
const Map< Var, Range > &  var_dom,
const PrimExpr predicate,
arith::Analyzer analyzer 

Analyze the region with affine map, given the domain of variables and their predicate. Some subregion may be discarded during the lower-bound analysis.

regionThe region to be analyzed
var_domThe ranges of the variables
predicateThe predicate for the affine map
analyzerThe analyzer used
NullOpt if the detection fails, or an array of arith::IntSet as the result of analysis

◆ EstimateRegionStrictBound()

Optional<Array<IntSet> > tvm::arith::EstimateRegionStrictBound ( const Array< Range > &  region,
const Map< Var, Range > &  var_dom,
const PrimExpr predicate,
arith::Analyzer analyzer 

Analyze the region with affine map, given the domain of variables and their predicate. The result should be strict, i.e. no region is discarded or relaxed.

regionThe region to be analyzed
var_domThe ranges of the variables
predicateThe predicate for the affine map
analyzerThe analyzer used
NullOpt if the detection fails, or an array of arith::IntSet as the result of analysis

◆ EstimateRegionUpperBound()

Array<IntSet> tvm::arith::EstimateRegionUpperBound ( const Array< Range > &  region,
const Map< Var, Range > &  var_dom,
const PrimExpr predicate,
arith::Analyzer analyzer 

Analyze the region with affine map, given the domain of variables and their predicate Relaxation of the region may be used in upper-bound analysis, i.e. some extra region may be added to the result.

regionThe region to be analyzed
var_domThe ranges of the variables
predicateThe predicate for the affine map
analyzerThe analyzer used
an array of arith::IntSet as the result of analysis

◆ EvalSet() [1/7]

Array<IntSet> tvm::arith::EvalSet ( const Array< Range > &  region,
const Map< Var, IntSet > &  dom_map 

Same as EvalSet, but takes Array<Range>

regionThe range to be evaluated.
dom_mapThe domain of each variable.
An array of integer sets that can cover all the possible values.

◆ EvalSet() [2/7]

IntSet tvm::arith::EvalSet ( IntSet  s,
const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &  dom_map 

Find an symbolic integer set that contains is union over all the possible conditional values in dom_map.

sThe initial set.
dom_mapThe domain of each variable.
An integer set that can cover all the possible values.

◆ EvalSet() [3/7]

IntSet tvm::arith::EvalSet ( PrimExpr  e,
const Map< IterVar, IntSet > &  dom_map 

Find an symbolic integer set that contains all possible values of e given the domain of each iteration variables.

eThe expression to be evaluated.
dom_mapThe domain of each variable.
An integer set that can cover all the possible values of e.

◆ EvalSet() [4/7]

IntSet tvm::arith::EvalSet ( PrimExpr  e,
const Map< Var, IntSet > &  dom_map 

Find an symbolic integer set that contains all possible values of e given the domain of each variables.

eThe expression to be evaluated.
dom_mapThe domain of each variable.
An integer set that can cover all the possible values of e.

◆ EvalSet() [5/7]

IntSet tvm::arith::EvalSet ( PrimExpr  e,
const std::unordered_map< const tir::VarNode *, IntSet > &  dom_map 

Same as EvalSet, but takes unordered_map.

eThe expression to be evaluated.
dom_mapThe domain of each variable.
An integer set that can cover all the possible values of e.

◆ EvalSet() [6/7]

IntSet tvm::arith::EvalSet ( Range  r,
const Map< IterVar, IntSet > &  dom_map 

Find an symbolic integer set that contains is union over all the possible conditional values in dom_map.

rThe initial range.
dom_mapThe domain of each variable.
An integer set that can cover all the possible values.

◆ EvalSet() [7/7]

IntSet tvm::arith::EvalSet ( Range  r,
const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &  dom_map 

Same as EvalSet, but takes unordered_map.

rThe range to be evaluated.
dom_mapThe domain of each variable.
An integer set that can cover all the possible values of e.

◆ EvalSetForEachSubExpr()

ExprIntSetMap tvm::arith::EvalSetForEachSubExpr ( PrimExpr  e,
const std::unordered_map< const VarNode *, IntSet > &  dom_map 

Find the integer set of every sub-expression, given the domain of each iteration variables.

eThe expression to be evaluated.
dom_mapThe domain of each variable.
the map from the expression to its possible value.

◆ Intersect()

IntSet tvm::arith::Intersect ( const Array< IntSet > &  sets)

Create an intersected set of all sets.

setsThe sets to be intersected
the set after intersected

◆ InverseAffineIterMap()

Map<Var, PrimExpr> tvm::arith::InverseAffineIterMap ( const Array< IterSumExpr > &  iter_map,
const Array< PrimExpr outputs 

Apply the inverse of the affine transformation to the outputs.

Similar to the back-propagation, starting from the outputs, it visits the DAG of the expressions in reverse topology order and applies the inverse of the affine transformation until it reaches the input. The affine iter map is required to be bijective.

For example, iter_map = [l0 // 16, l0 % 16], outputs = [output_0, output_1], the affine transformation specified by iter_map will be applied to outputs and the result will be {l0: ((output_0*16) + output_1)}.

The range of outputs should be the same as the output range of the affine transmation.

See also
iter_mapThe bijective affine iter map.
outputsThe outputs of the affine transformation.
The map from the input to the transformed result.

◆ IterMapSimplify()

Array<PrimExpr> tvm::arith::IterMapSimplify ( const Array< PrimExpr > &  indices,
const Map< Var, Range > &  input_iters,
const PrimExpr input_pred,
IterMapLevel  check_level,
arith::Analyzer analyzer,
bool  simplify_trivial_iterators = true 

Use IterVarMap detector to rewrite and simplify the indices.

indicesThe indices to detect pattern for.
input_itersMap from variable to iterator's range.
input_predThe predicate constraints on the input iterators
check_levelThe iter mapping checking level.
analyzerAnalyzer used to get context information.
simplify_trivial_iteratorsIf true, iterators with unit extents are simplified
The indices after rewrite

◆ NormalizeIterMapToExpr()

PrimExpr tvm::arith::NormalizeIterMapToExpr ( const PrimExpr expr)

Given an expression that may contain IterMapExpr, transform it to normal PrimExpr.

exprThe input expression, which may contain IterMapExpr.
The corresponding normal PrimExpr.

◆ NormalizeToIterSum()

IterSumExpr tvm::arith::NormalizeToIterSum ( PrimExpr  index,
const Map< Var, Range > &  input_iters,
arith::Analyzer analyzer 

Rewrite index as IterSumExpr.

((i0 // b0) % a0) * s0 + ((i0 // b1) % a1) * s1 ... + base

The iterators are ordered such that s0 > s1 ... if we can prove the relation.

Note that base may contain expressions that cannot be detected as the right pattern.

indexThe input index
input_itersThe input iterators.
analyzerThe input analyzer.
This function is useful to detect iterator stride patterns.

◆ operator&()

constexpr CompareResult tvm::arith::operator& ( CompareResult  lhs,
CompareResult  rhs 

◆ operator|()

constexpr CompareResult tvm::arith::operator| ( CompareResult  lhs,
CompareResult  rhs 

◆ SmithNormalFormDiag()

void tvm::arith::SmithNormalFormDiag ( std::vector< std::vector< int64_t >> *  S,
std::vector< std::vector< int64_t >> *  V,
std::vector< PrimExpr > *  x,
std::vector< PrimExpr > *  y 

Obtain Smith Normal Form of linear equation A x = y. Smith Normal Form of matrix A_{mxn} is S_{mxn} = U_{mxm} A_{mxn} V_{nxn}, in which S_{mxn} is diag(s1, s2, ..., sr, 0, ..., 0) and r is the rank of A. NOTE: Although in standard Smith Normal Form the diagonal elements satisfy s_i | s_{i+1} (| means divides), the implement here does not guarantee it. TODO(yzhliu): From sergei-grechanik: computing the proper Smith normal form may improve stability of automatic differentiation (generating the same gradient code for slightly different but equivalent input code U_{mxm} and V_{nxn} are invertible matrices. This function modifies S to be S_{mxn}, V to be V_{nxn}, y to be U_{mxm} y_{mx1} and x to be V^{-1} x.

Sthe original A_{mxn}, it will be modified to S_{mxn}
Van identity matrix, it will be modified to V_{nxn}
xthe x in A x = y. it will be modified to V^{-1}_{nxn} x_{nx1}
ythe y in A x = y. it will be modified to U_{mxm} y_{mx1}

◆ SolveInequalitiesDeskewRange()

IntConstraintsTransform tvm::arith::SolveInequalitiesDeskewRange ( const IntConstraints system_to_solve)

Solve linear inequalities and deskew the ranges towards zero.

system_to_solvethe variables to solve, their ranges, and a list of inequalities.
A transform (src IntConstraints -> dst IntConstraints) from original variables to a set of new variables. The ranges of new variables always start from zero, their extents are solved from system_to_solve. src IntConstraints is the same as system_to_solve. dst IntConstraints(variables, ranges, relations) contains,
  1. variables - the variables that have been solved.
  2. ranges - the best range (start from zero) of each variable.
  3. relations - constraints that cannot be transformed to Range will be stored in relations. Variable mapping can be obtained from IntConstraintsTransform.src_to_dst and IntConstraintsTransform.dst_to_src.

◆ SolveInequalitiesToRange()

IntConstraints tvm::arith::SolveInequalitiesToRange ( const IntConstraints system_to_solve)

Solve linear inequalities and infer the range of each variable.

system_to_solvethe variables to solve, their ranges, and a list of inequalities.
The result ranges for each variables. The returned IntConstraints(variables, ranges, relations) contains,
  1. variables - the variables that have been solved.
  2. ranges - the best range of each variable.
  3. relations - constraints that cannot be transformed to Range will be stored in relations.

◆ SolveLinearEquations()

IntConstraintsTransform tvm::arith::SolveLinearEquations ( const IntConstraints system_to_solve)

Solve linear equations.

system_to_solvethe variables to solve, their ranges, and a list of equations.
A new linear system, with less variables (if system_to_solve is NOT of full rank), or no variable (if system_to_solve is of full rank), or an empty linear system (if system_to_solve is unsolvable). It also provides the ranges of the variables in the new system, as well as inequalities inferred from the system_to_solve. You can get the mapping from the original variables to the solution via ret->src_to_dst.

◆ SolveLinearInequalities()

PartialSolvedInequalities tvm::arith::SolveLinearInequalities ( const IntConstraints system_to_solve)

Solve linear inequalities.

system_to_solvethe variables to solve, their ranges, and a list of inequalities. The inequalities are rewritten using Fourier-Motzkin elimination. This function takes an array of (in)equalities and an array of variables, and essentially rewrites the (in)equalities into an array of (in)equalities of the following form,

x0 >= f0(x1, x2, ..., xn) x0 <= g0(x1, x2, ..., xn) x1 >= f1(x2, ..., xn) x1 <= g1(x2, ..., xn) ... xn >= fn() // just a constant xn <= gn() // just a constant

A map of variables and their solved bounds, and constrains that cannot be solved to bounds.

◆ SubspaceDivide()

Array<Array<IterMark> > tvm::arith::SubspaceDivide ( const Array< PrimExpr > &  bindings,
const Map< Var, Range > &  input_iters,
const Array< Var > &  sub_iters,
const PrimExpr predicate,
IterMapLevel  check_level,
arith::Analyzer analyzer,
bool  simplify_trivial_iterators = true 

Detect if bindings can be written as [a_0*e_0 + b_0 + c_0, a_1*e_1 + b_1, ..., a_n*e_n + b_n].

where a = some-quasi-affine-iter-map(input_iters set_minus sub_iters) b = some-quasi-affine-iter-map(sub_iters) c is constant symbols e is the extent of b

For example, z*12 + y*3 + x + c = (z*4+y)*3 + x, if sub_iters={x}

bindingsThe input bindings
input_itersMap from variable to iterator's range.
sub_itersIterators of subspace.
predicateThe predicate constraints on the input iterators
check_levelThe iter mapping checking level.
analyzerAnalyzer used to get context information.
simplify_trivial_iteratorsIf true, iterators with extent of 1 will be replaced with a constant value.
The result list has length len(bindings) + 1 [0, len(bindings)): The iter map matching result. The inner list is of length 2. The first expr is the basis of the quotient space. The second expr is the basis of the subspace. len(bindings): the predicate of outer space and inner space Empty array if no match can be found.

◆ Union()

IntSet tvm::arith::Union ( const Array< IntSet > &  sets)

Create a union set of all sets, possibly relaxed.

setsThe sets to be combined
the set after union

◆ UnionLowerBound()

IntSet tvm::arith::UnionLowerBound ( const Array< IntSet > &  sets)

Create a lower-bound of union set, where some of the segments may be dropped.

setsThe sets to be combined
the set after union

◆ UnionRegion()

Array<IntSet> tvm::arith::UnionRegion ( const Array< Array< IntSet >> &  nd_int_sets)

The union of N-dimensional integer sets.

nd_int_setsA list of N-dimensional integer sets
An N-dimensional integer set as the result of union

◆ UnionRegionLowerBound()

Array<IntSet> tvm::arith::UnionRegionLowerBound ( const Array< Array< IntSet >> &  nd_int_sets)

The union of N-dimensional integer sets.

nd_int_setsA list of N-dimensional integer sets
An N-dimensional integer set as the result of union

Variable Documentation

◆ kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite

constexpr int tvm::arith::kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite = 3