class | DocNode |
| The base class of all Doc. More...
class | Doc |
| Reference type of DocNode. More...
class | ExprDocNode |
| The base class of expression doc. More...
class | ExprDoc |
| Reference type of ExprDocNode. More...
class | StmtDocNode |
| The base class of statement doc. More...
class | StmtDoc |
| Reference type of StmtDocNode. More...
class | StmtBlockDocNode |
| The container doc that holds a list of StmtDoc. More...
class | StmtBlockDoc |
| Reference type of StmtBlockDocNode. More...
class | LiteralDocNode |
| Doc that represents literal value. More...
class | LiteralDoc |
| Reference type of LiteralDocNode. More...
class | IdDocNode |
| Doc that represents identifier. More...
class | IdDoc |
| Reference type of IdDocNode. More...
class | AttrAccessDocNode |
| Doc that represents attribute access on another expression. More...
class | AttrAccessDoc |
| Reference type of AttrAccessDocNode. More...
class | IndexDocNode |
| Doc that represents index access on another expression. More...
class | IndexDoc |
| Reference type of IndexDocNode. More...
class | CallDocNode |
| Doc that represents function call. More...
class | CallDoc |
| Reference type of CallDocNode. More...
class | OperationDocNode |
| Doc that represents operation. More...
class | OperationDoc |
| Reference type of OperationDocNode. More...
class | LambdaDocNode |
| Doc that represents anonymous function. More...
class | LambdaDoc |
| Reference type of LambdaDocNode. More...
class | TupleDocNode |
| Doc that represents tuple literal. More...
class | TupleDoc |
| Reference type of TupleDocNode. More...
class | ListDocNode |
| Doc that represents list literal. More...
class | ListDoc |
| Reference type of ListDocNode. More...
class | DictDocNode |
| Doc that represents dictionary literal. More...
class | DictDoc |
| Reference type of DictDocNode. More...
class | SliceDocNode |
| Doc that represents slice in Index expression. More...
class | SliceDoc |
| Reference type of SliceDocNode. More...
class | AssignDocNode |
| Doc that represents assign statement. More...
class | AssignDoc |
| Reference type of AssignDocNode. More...
class | IfDocNode |
| Doc that represent if-then-else statement. More...
class | IfDoc |
| Reference type of IfDocNode. More...
class | WhileDocNode |
| Doc that represents while statement. More...
class | WhileDoc |
| Reference type of WhileDocNode. More...
class | ForDocNode |
| Doc that represents for statement. More...
class | ForDoc |
| Reference type of ForDocNode. More...
class | ScopeDocNode |
| Doc that represents special scopes. More...
class | ScopeDoc |
| Reference type of ScopeDocNode. More...
class | ExprStmtDocNode |
| Doc that represents an expression as statement. More...
class | ExprStmtDoc |
| Reference type of ExprStmtDocNode. More...
class | AssertDocNode |
| Doc that represents assert statement. More...
class | AssertDoc |
| Reference type of AssertDocNode. More...
class | ReturnDocNode |
| Doc that represents return statement. More...
class | ReturnDoc |
| Reference type of ReturnDocNode. More...
class | FunctionDocNode |
| Doc that represents function definition. More...
class | FunctionDoc |
| Reference type of FunctionDocNode. More...
class | ClassDocNode |
| Doc that represents class definition. More...
class | ClassDoc |
| Reference type of ClassDocNode. More...
class | CommentDocNode |
| Doc that represents comment. More...
class | CommentDoc |
| Reference type of CommentDocNode. More...
class | DocStringDocNode |
| Doc that represents docstring. More...
class | DocStringDoc |
| Reference type of DocStringDocNode. More...
class | FrameNode |
class | Frame |
| Reference type of FrameNode. More...
class | IRDocsifierNode |
| IRDocsifier is the top-level interface in the IR->Doc process. More...
class | IRDocsifier |
| Reference type of IRDocsifierNode. More...
class | IRDocsifierFunctor |
| Dynamic dispatch functor based on ObjectPath. More...