Buffer | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::BufferDecl (Array< PrimExpr > shape, DataType dtype, String buffer_name, Optional< Var > data, Optional< Array< PrimExpr >> strides, Optional< PrimExpr > elem_offset, String storage_scope, int align, int offset_factor, String buffer_type, Optional< Array< IntImm >> axis_separators) |
| The buffer declaration function. More...
PrimFuncFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::PrimFunc (bool is_private) |
| The primitive function statement. More...
Var | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Arg (String name, Var var) |
| The PrimFunc variable arguments adding function. More...
Buffer | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Arg (String name, Buffer buffer) |
| The PrimFunc buffer arguments adding function. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::FuncName (String name) |
| The PrimFunc naming statement. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::FuncAttrs (Map< String, ObjectRef > attrs) |
| The PrimFunc annotation statement. More...
Type | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::FuncRet (Type ret_type) |
| The PrimFunc return type statement. More...
Buffer | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::MatchBuffer (ObjectRef param, Array< PrimExpr > shape, DataType dtype=DataType::Float(32), Optional< Var > data=NullOpt, Array< PrimExpr > strides={}, PrimExpr elem_offset=PrimExpr(), String storage_scope="global", int align=-1, int offset_factor=0, String buffer_type="default", Array< IntImm > axis_separators={}) |
| The buffer match statement. More...
BlockFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Block (String name, bool no_realize=false) |
| The block declaration statement. More...
BlockInitFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Init () |
| The block initialization statement. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Where (PrimExpr predicate) |
| The block predicate statement. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Reads (Array< ObjectRef > buffer_slices) |
| The block buffer region reading statement. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Writes (Array< ObjectRef > buffer_slices) |
| The block buffer region writing statement. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::BlockAttrs (Map< String, ObjectRef > attrs) |
| The block annotation statement. More...
Buffer | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::AllocBuffer (Array< PrimExpr > shape, DataType dtype=DataType::Float(32), Optional< Var > data=NullOpt, Array< PrimExpr > strides={}, PrimExpr elem_offset=PrimExpr(), String storage_scope="", int align=-1, int offset_factor=0, String buffer_type="default", Array< IntImm > axis_separators={}) |
| The buffer allocation function. More...
Var | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::axis::Spatial (Range dom, PrimExpr binding, DataType dtype=DataType::Int(32)) |
| The spatial block axis defining function. More...
Var | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::axis::Reduce (Range dom, PrimExpr binding, DataType dtype=DataType::Int(32)) |
| The reduced block axis defining function. More...
Var | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::axis::Scan (Range dom, PrimExpr binding, DataType dtype=DataType::Int(32)) |
| The scanning block axis defining function. More...
Var | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::axis::Opaque (Range dom, PrimExpr binding, DataType dtype=DataType::Int(32)) |
| The opaque block axis defining function. More...
Array< Var > | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::axis::Remap (String kinds, Array< PrimExpr > bindings, DataType dtype=DataType::Int(32)) |
| The block axis remapping function. More...
ForFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Serial (PrimExpr start, PrimExpr stop, Optional< Map< String, ObjectRef >> annotations=NullOpt) |
| The serial For statement. More...
ForFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Parallel (PrimExpr start, PrimExpr stop, Optional< Map< String, ObjectRef >> annotations=NullOpt) |
| The parallel For statement. More...
ForFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Vectorized (PrimExpr start, PrimExpr stop, Optional< Map< String, ObjectRef >> annotations=NullOpt) |
| The vectorized For statement. More...
ForFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Unroll (PrimExpr start, PrimExpr stop, Optional< Map< String, ObjectRef >> annotations=NullOpt) |
| The unrolled For statement. More...
ForFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::ThreadBinding (PrimExpr start, PrimExpr stop, String thread, Optional< Map< String, ObjectRef >> annotations=NullOpt) |
| The thread-binding For statement. More...
ForFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Grid (Array< PrimExpr > extents) |
| The grid For statement. More...
AssertFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Assert (PrimExpr condition, String message) |
| The assertion statement. More...
LetFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::LetStmt (PrimExpr value, Optional< Type > type_annotation=NullOpt, Optional< Var > var=NullOpt) |
| The let binding. More...
RealizeFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Realize (tvm::tir::BufferRegion buffer_slice, String storage_scope, PrimExpr condition) |
| The realization. More...
AllocateFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Allocate (Array< PrimExpr > extents, DataType dtype, String storage_scope="", Optional< PrimExpr > condition=NullOpt, Optional< Map< String, ObjectRef >> annotations=NullOpt) |
| The allocate node. More...
AllocateConstFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::AllocateConst (NDArray data, DataType dtype, Array< PrimExpr > extents, Optional< Map< String, ObjectRef >> annotations=NullOpt) |
| The allocate constant node. More...
AttrFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Attr (ObjectRef node, String attr_key, PrimExpr value) |
| Create an attribute. More...
WhileFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::While (PrimExpr condition) |
| Create a while loop. More...
IfFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::If (PrimExpr condition) |
| Create an if statement. More...
ThenFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Then () |
| Create a then. More...
ElseFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Else () |
| Create an else. More...
DeclBufferFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::DeclBuffer (Array< PrimExpr > shape, DataType dtype, String buffer_name, Optional< Var > data, Optional< Array< PrimExpr >> strides, Optional< PrimExpr > elem_offset, String storage_scope, int align, int offset_factor, String buffer_type, Optional< Array< IntImm >> axis_separators) |
| The buffer declaration frame. More...
LaunchThreadFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::LaunchThread (Var var, PrimExpr extent) |
| Launch a thread. More...
LaunchThreadFrame | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::LaunchThread (String thread_tag, PrimExpr extent) |
| Launch a new thread. More...
Var | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::EnvThread (String thread_tag, DataType dtype=DataType::Int(32)) |
| Bind a var to thread env. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::BufferStore (Buffer buffer, PrimExpr value, Array< PrimExpr > indices, Optional< PrimExpr > predicate) |
| Store data in a buffer. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Prefetch (Buffer buffer, Array< Range > bounds) |
| The prefetch hint for a buffer. More...
void | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Evaluate (PrimExpr value) |
| Evaluate the input expression. More...
Var | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Handle (runtime::DataType dtype=runtime::DataType::Void(), String storage_scope="global", bool is_size_var=false, bool is_unknown_type=false) |
| Create a TIR var that represents a pointer. More...
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float8x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float8x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float8x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float8x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float8x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float16x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float16x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float16x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float16x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float16x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float32x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float32x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float32x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float32x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float32x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float64x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float64x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float64x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float64x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Float64x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt8x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt8x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt8x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt8x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt8x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt16x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt16x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt16x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt16x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt16x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt32x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt32x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt32x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt32x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt32x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt64x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt64x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt64x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt64x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::UInt64x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int8x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int8x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int8x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int8x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int8x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int16x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int16x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int16x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int16x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int16x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int32x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int32x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int32x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int32x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int32x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int64x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int64x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int64x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int64x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Int64x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E4M3Float8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E4M3Float8x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E4M3Float8x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E4M3Float8x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E4M3Float8x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E4M3Float8x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E5M2Float8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E5M2Float8x4 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E5M2Float8x8 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E5M2Float8x16 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E5M2Float8x32 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::E5M2Float8x64 (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Boolean (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |
PrimExpr | tvm::script::ir_builder::tir::Void (Optional< PrimExpr > expr=NullOpt, bool is_size_var=false) |