Package tvm.meta_schedule. The meta schedule infrastructure.
The abstract builder interface. |
Cost model. |
The abstract database interface. |
A tuning task extracted from the high-level IR |
Extractor for features from measure candidates for use in cost model. |
Rules to apply after measure results is available. |
Mutator is designed to mutate the trace to explore the design space. |
Rules to apply a postprocessor to a schedule. |
Tuning time profiler. |
The abstract runner interface |
Rules to modify a block in a schedule. |
Measure candidate class. |
Search strategy is the class that generates the measure candidates. |
The abstract design space generator interface. |
The abstract task scheduler interface. |
The tune context class is designed to contain all resources for a tuning task. |
Return whether the meta-schedule is enabled. |
Tune a TIR function or an IRModule of TIR functions. |
Tune a list of tasks. |
A decorator to register derived subclasses for TVM objects. |
- class tvm.meta_schedule.Builder
The abstract builder interface.
(build_inputs)Build the given inputs.
([kind])Create a Builder.
- class tvm.meta_schedule.CostModel
Cost model.
(path)Load the cost model from given file location.
(path)Save the cost model to given file location.
(context, candidates, results)Update the cost model given running results.
(context, candidates)Predict normalized score with the cost model.
(kind, *args, **kwargs)Create a CostModel.
- load(path: str) None
Load the cost model from given file location.
- Parameters:
path (str) – The file path.
- save(path: str) None
Save the cost model to given file location.
- Parameters:
path (str) – The file path.
- update(context: TuneContext, candidates: List[MeasureCandidate], results: List[RunnerResult]) None
Update the cost model given running results.
- Parameters:
context (TuneContext,) – The tuning context.
candidates (List[MeasureCandidate]) – The measure candidates.
results (List[RunnerResult]) – The running results of the measure candidates.
- predict(context: TuneContext, candidates: List[MeasureCandidate]) ndarray
Predict normalized score with the cost model.
- Parameters:
context (TuneContext,) – The tuning context.
candidates (List[MeasureCandidate]) – The measure candidates.
- Returns:
result – The predicted normalized score.
- Return type:
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[xgb, mlp, random, none], *args, **kwargs) CostModel
Create a CostModel.
- Parameters:
kind (Literal["xgb", "mlp", "random", "none"]) – The kind of the cost model. Can be “xgb”, “mlp”, “random” or “none”.
- Returns:
cost_model – The created cost model.
- Return type:
- class tvm.meta_schedule.Database
The abstract database interface.
(mod)Check if the database has the given workload.
(mod)Commit a workload to the database if missing.
(record)Commit a tuning record to the database.
(workload, top_k)Get the top K valid tuning records of given workload from the database.
Get all the tuning records from the database.
(mod, target, workload_name)Query the best record of the given workload from the database.
(mod, target, workload_name)Query the best schedule of the given workload from the database.
(mod, target, workload_name)Query the best IRModule of the given workload from the database.
(destination)Dump the pruned database to files of JSONDatabase format.
(mod, target, *[, workload_name, kind])Query the database to retrieve the best optimization outcome of the given workload.
()Get the current database under scope.
([kind])Create a Database.
- has_workload(mod: IRModule) bool
Check if the database has the given workload. :param mod: The IRModule to be searched for. :type mod: IRModule
- Returns:
result – Whether the database has the given workload.
- Return type:
- commit_tuning_record(record: TuningRecord) None
Commit a tuning record to the database.
- Parameters:
record (TuningRecord) – The tuning record to add.
- get_top_k(workload: Workload, top_k: int) List[TuningRecord]
Get the top K valid tuning records of given workload from the database.
- get_all_tuning_records() List[TuningRecord]
Get all the tuning records from the database.
- Returns:
tuning_records – All tuning records from the database.
- Return type:
- query_tuning_record(mod: IRModule, target: Target, workload_name: str) TuningRecord | None
Query the best record of the given workload from the database.
- query_schedule(mod: IRModule, target: Target, workload_name: str) Schedule | None
Query the best schedule of the given workload from the database.
- query_ir_module(mod: IRModule, target: Target, workload_name: str) IRModule | None
Query the best IRModule of the given workload from the database.
- dump_pruned(destination: Database) None
Dump the pruned database to files of JSONDatabase format.
- Parameters:
destination (Database) – The destination database to be dumped to.
- query(mod: IRModule, target: Target, *, workload_name: str = 'main', kind: typing_extensions.Literal[schedule] | typing_extensions.Literal[record] | typing_extensions.Literal[ir_module] = 'schedule') Schedule | IRModule | TuningRecord
Query the database to retrieve the best optimization outcome of the given workload.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
result – The best optimization outcome of the given workload.
- Return type:
Union[tvm.tir.Schedule, IRModule, TuningRecord]
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[json, memory, union, ordered_union] | Callable[[Schedule], bool] = 'json', *args, **kwargs) Database
Create a Database.
- Parameters:
kind (str = "json" | "memory" | "union" | "ordered_union" | Callable[[tvm.tir.Schedule],)
bool] – The kind of the database to be created. The following kinds are supported: “json”, “memory”, “union”, “ordered_union”, and a custom schedule function.
- Returns:
database – The created database.
- Return type:
- class tvm.meta_schedule.ExtractedTask(task_name: str, mod: IRModule, target: Target, dispatched: List[IRModule], weight: int)
A tuning task extracted from the high-level IR
- class tvm.meta_schedule.FeatureExtractor
Extractor for features from measure candidates for use in cost model.
(context, candidates)Extract features from the given measure candidate.
(kind, *args, **kwargs)Create a CostModel.
- extract_from(context: TuneContext, candidates: List[MeasureCandidate]) List[NDArray]
Extract features from the given measure candidate.
- Parameters:
context (TuneContext) – The tuning context for feature extraction.
candidates (List[MeasureCandidate]) – The measure candidates to extract features from.
- Returns:
features – The feature tvm ndarray extracted.
- Return type:
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[per - store - feature], *args, **kwargs) FeatureExtractor
Create a CostModel.
- class tvm.meta_schedule.MeasureCallback
Rules to apply after measure results is available.
(task_scheduler, task_id, ...)Apply a measure callback to the given schedule.
(kind)Create a list of measure callbacks.
- apply(task_scheduler: TaskScheduler, task_id: int, measure_candidates: List[MeasureCandidate], builder_results: List[BuilderResult], runner_results: List[RunnerResult]) None
Apply a measure callback to the given schedule.
- Parameters:
task_scheduler (TaskScheduler) – The task scheduler.
task_id (int) – The task id.
measure_candidates (List[MeasureCandidate]) – The measure candidates.
builder_results (List[BuilderResult]) – The builder results by building the measure candidates.
runner_results (List[RunnerResult]) – The runner results by running the built measure candidates.
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[default]) List[MeasureCallback]
Create a list of measure callbacks.
- class tvm.meta_schedule.Mutator
Mutator is designed to mutate the trace to explore the design space.
(trace)Apply the mutator function to the given trace.
()Clone the mutator.
(kind)Create a list of default mutators.
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[llvm, cuda, cuda - tensorcore, hexagon]) Dict[Mutator, float]
Create a list of default mutators.
- Parameters:
kind (Literal["llvm", "cuda", "cuda-tensorcore", "hexagon"]) – The kind of mutators.
- Returns:
mutators – The list of mutators.
- Return type:
- class tvm.meta_schedule.Postproc
Rules to apply a postprocessor to a schedule.
(sch)Apply a postprocessor to the given schedule.
()Clone the postprocessor.
(kind)Create a list of default postprocessors.
- apply(sch: Schedule) bool
Apply a postprocessor to the given schedule.
- Parameters:
sch (tvm.tir.Schedule) – The schedule to be post processed.
- Returns:
result – Whether the postprocessor was successfully applied.
- Return type:
- clone() Postproc
Clone the postprocessor.
- Returns:
cloned_postproc – The cloned postprocessor.
- Return type:
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[llvm, cuda, cuda - tensorcore, hexagon]) List[Postproc]
Create a list of default postprocessors.
- Parameters:
kind (Literal["llvm", "cuda", "cuda-tensorcore", "hexagon"]) – The kind of the postprocessors.
- Returns:
postprocs – The list of postprocessors.
- Return type:
- class tvm.meta_schedule.Profiler
Tuning time profiler.
()Get the profiling results in seconds
()Get the profiling results in a table format
()Get the current profiler.
(name)Timeit a block of code
- tvm.meta_schedule.is_meta_schedule_enabled() bool
Return whether the meta-schedule is enabled.
- Returns:
enabled – Whether the meta schedule is enabled
- Return type:
- class tvm.meta_schedule.Runner
The abstract runner interface
(runner_inputs)Run the built artifact and get runner futures.
([kind])Create a Runner.
- class tvm.meta_schedule.ScheduleRule
Rules to modify a block in a schedule.
(sch, block)Apply a schedule rule to the specific block in the given schedule.
()Deep clone the schedule rule.
(kind)Create a list of schedule rules for the given kind.
- apply(sch: Schedule, block: BlockRV) List[Schedule]
Apply a schedule rule to the specific block in the given schedule.
- Parameters:
sch (tvm.tir.Schedule) – The schedule to be modified.
block (BlockRV) – The specific block to apply the schedule rule.
- Returns:
design_spaces – The list of schedules generated by applying the schedule rule.
- Return type:
- clone() ScheduleRule
Deep clone the schedule rule.
- Returns:
cloned_rule – The cloned schedule rule.
- Return type:
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[llvm, cuda, cuda - tensorcore, hexagon]) List[ScheduleRule]
Create a list of schedule rules for the given kind.
- Parameters:
kind (Literal["llvm", "cuda", "cuda-tensorcore", "hexagon"]) – The kind of the schedule rules.
- Returns:
rules – The list of schedule rules.
- Return type:
- class tvm.meta_schedule.MeasureCandidate(sch: Schedule, args_info: List[ArgInfo])
Measure candidate class.
- Parameters:
sch (tvm.tir.Schedule) – The schedule to be measured.
args_info (List[ArgInfo]) – The argument information.
- class tvm.meta_schedule.SearchStrategy
Search strategy is the class that generates the measure candidates.
(max_trials, num_trials_per_iter, ...)Pre-tuning for the search strategy.
Post-tuning for the search strategy.
Generate measure candidates from design spaces for measurement.
(measure_candidates, ...)Update the search strategy with profiling results.
()Clone the search strategy.
([kind])Create a search strategy.
- pre_tuning(max_trials: int, num_trials_per_iter: int, design_spaces: List[Schedule], database: Database | None = None, cost_model: CostModel | None = None) None
Pre-tuning for the search strategy.
- Parameters:
max_trials (int) – The maximum number of trials.
num_trials_per_iter (int) – The number of trials per iteration.
design_spaces (List[tvm.tir.Schedule]) – The design spaces used during tuning process.
database (Optional[Database] = None) – The database used during tuning process.
cost_model (Optional[CostModel] = None) – The cost model used during tuning process.
- generate_measure_candidates() List[MeasureCandidate] | None
Generate measure candidates from design spaces for measurement.
- Returns:
measure_candidates – The measure candidates generated, None if finished.
- Return type:
- notify_runner_results(measure_candidates: List[MeasureCandidate], results: List[RunnerResult]) None
Update the search strategy with profiling results.
- Parameters:
measure_candidates (List[MeasureCandidate]) – The measure candidates for update.
results (List[RunnerResult]) – The profiling results from the runner.
- clone() SearchStrategy
Clone the search strategy.
- Returns:
cloned – The cloned search strategy.
- Return type:
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[evolutionary, replay - trace, replay - func] = 'evolutionary', *args, **kwargs) SearchStrategy
Create a search strategy.
- class tvm.meta_schedule.SpaceGenerator
The abstract design space generator interface.
Generate design spaces given a module.
()Clone the design space generator.
([kind])Create a design space generator.
- generate_design_space(mod: IRModule) List[Schedule]
Generate design spaces given a module.
- Parameters:
mod (IRModule) – The module used for design space generation.
- Returns:
design_spaces – The generated design spaces, i.e., schedules.
- Return type:
- clone() SpaceGenerator
Clone the design space generator.
- Returns:
cloned_sg – The cloned design space generator.
- Return type:
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[post - order - apply, union] | ~typing.Callable[[~tvm.tir.schedule.schedule.Schedule], None] | ~typing.Callable[[~tvm.tir.schedule.schedule.Schedule], ~tvm.tir.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | ~typing.Callable[[~tvm.tir.schedule.schedule.Schedule], ~typing.List[~tvm.tir.schedule.schedule.Schedule]] = 'post-order-apply', *args, **kwargs) SpaceGenerator
Create a design space generator.
- class tvm.meta_schedule.TaskScheduler
The abstract task scheduler interface.
Fetch the next task id.
(task_id)Wait until the task is finished.
(tasks, task_weights, max_trials_global, ...)Auto-tuning.
(task_id)Terminate the task
(task_id)Touch the task and update its status
Print out a human-readable format of the tuning statistics.
([kind])Create a task scheduler.
- join_running_task(task_id: int) List[RunnerResult]
Wait until the task is finished.
- Parameters:
task_id (int) – The task id to be joined.
- Returns:
results – The list of results.
- Return type:
- tune(tasks: List[TuneContext], task_weights: List[float], max_trials_global: int, max_trials_per_task: int, num_trials_per_iter: int, builder: Builder, runner: Runner, measure_callbacks: List[MeasureCallback], database: Database | None, cost_model: CostModel | None) None
- Parameters:
tasks (List[TuneContext]) – The list of tuning contexts as tasks.
task_weights (List[float]) – The list of task weights.
max_trials_global (int) – The maximum number of trials globally.
max_trials_per_task (int) – The maximum number of trials per task.
num_trials_per_iter (int) – The number of trials per iteration.
builder (Builder) – The builder.
runner (Runner) – The runner.
measure_callbacks (List[MeasureCallback]) – The list of measure callbacks.
database (Optional[Database]) – The database.
cost_model (Optional[CostModel]) – The cost model.
- terminate_task(task_id: int) None
Terminate the task
- Parameters:
task_id (int) – The task id to be terminated.
- touch_task(task_id: int) None
Touch the task and update its status
- Parameters:
task_id (int) – The task id to be checked.
- static create(kind: typing_extensions.Literal[round - robin, gradient] = 'gradient', *args, **kwargs) TaskScheduler
Create a task scheduler.
- tvm.meta_schedule.tune_tir(mod: IRModule | PrimFunc, target: str | Target, work_dir: str, max_trials_global: int, *, max_trials_per_task: int | None = None, num_trials_per_iter: int = 64, builder: Builder | typing_extensions.Literal[local] = 'local', runner: Runner | typing_extensions.Literal[local, rpc] = 'local', database: Database | typing_extensions.Literal[json, memory] = 'json', cost_model: CostModel | typing_extensions.Literal[xgb, mlp, random] = 'xgb', measure_callbacks: List[MeasureCallback] | MeasureCallback | typing_extensions.Literal[default] = 'default', task_scheduler: Literal[gradient, round - robin] = 'gradient', space: Literal[post - order - apply, union] = 'post-order-apply', strategy: Literal[replay - func, replay - trace, evolutionary] = 'evolutionary', num_tuning_cores: typing_extensions.Literal[physical, logical] | int = 'physical', seed: int | None = None, module_equality: str = 'structural', special_space: Literal[post - order - apply, union]] | None = None) Database
Tune a TIR function or an IRModule of TIR functions.
- Parameters:
mod (Union[ir.IRModule, tir.PrimFunc]) – The TIR IRModule to tune.
work_dir (str) – The working directory.
max_trials_global (int) – The maximum number of trials to run globally.
max_trials_per_task (Optional[int]) – The maximum number of trials to run per task.
num_trials_per_iter (int) – The number of trials to run per iteration
builder (Builder.BuilderType) – The builder.
runner (Runner.RunnerType) – The runner.
database (Database.DatabaseType) – The database.
cost_model (CostModel.CostModelType) – The cost model.
measure_callbacks (MeasureCallback.CallbackListType) – The measure callbacks.
task_scheduler (TaskScheduler.TaskSchedulerType) – The task scheduler.
space (SpaceGenerator.SpaceGeneratorType) – The space generator.
strategy (SearchStrategy.SearchStrategyType) – The search strategy.
num_tuning_cores (Union[Literal["physical", "logical"], int]) – The number of CPU cores to use during tuning.
seed (Optional[int]) – The seed for the random number generator.
module_equality (Optional[str]) – A string to specify the module equality testing and hashing method.
special_space (Optional[Mapping[str, SpaceGenerator.SpaceGeneratorType]]) – A mapping from task name to a special space generator for that task.
- Returns:
database – The database with all tuning records
- Return type:
- tvm.meta_schedule.tune_tasks(*, tasks: List[TuneContext], task_weights: List[float], work_dir: str, max_trials_global: int, max_trials_per_task: int | None = None, num_trials_per_iter: int = 64, builder: Builder | typing_extensions.Literal[local] = 'local', runner: Runner | typing_extensions.Literal[local, rpc] = 'local', database: Database | typing_extensions.Literal[json, memory] = 'json', cost_model: CostModel | typing_extensions.Literal[xgb, mlp, random] = 'xgb', measure_callbacks: List[MeasureCallback] | MeasureCallback | typing_extensions.Literal[default] = 'default', task_scheduler: Literal[gradient, round - robin] = 'gradient', module_equality: str = 'structural') Database
Tune a list of tasks. Using a task scheduler.
- Parameters:
tasks (List[TuneContext]) – The list of tasks to tune.
task_weights (List[float]) – The weight of each task.
work_dir (str) – The working directory.
max_trials_global (int) – The maximum number of trials to run globally.
max_trials_per_task (Optional[int]) – The maximum number of trials to run per task.
num_trials_per_iter (int) – The number of trials to run per iteration
builder (Builder.BuilderType) – The builder.
runner (Runner.RunnerType) – The runner.
database (Database.DatabaseType) – The database.
cost_model (CostModel.CostModelType) – The cost model.
measure_callbacks (MeasureCallback.CallbackListType) – The measure callbacks.
task_scheduler (TaskScheduler.TaskSchedulerType) – The task scheduler.
module_equality (Optional[str]) –
A string to specify the module equality testing and hashing method. It must be one of the followings:
”structural”: Use StructuralEqual/Hash
- ”ignore-ndarray”: Same as “structural”, but ignore ndarray raw data during equality
testing and hashing.
- ”anchor-block”: Apply equality testing and hashing on the anchor block extracted from
a given module. The “ignore-ndarray” varint is used for the extracted blocks or in case no anchor block is found. For the definition of the anchor block, see tir/analysis/
- Returns:
database – The database with all tuning records
- Return type:
- class tvm.meta_schedule.TuneContext(mod: IRModule | None = None, *, target: Target | str | None = None, space_generator: SpaceGenerator.SpaceGeneratorType | None = None, search_strategy: SearchStrategy.SearchStrategyType | None = None, task_name: str = 'main', rand_state: int = -1, num_threads: int | typing_extensions.Literal[physical, logical] = 'physical', logger: Logger | None = None)
The tune context class is designed to contain all resources for a tuning task.
- Parameters:
mod (Optional[IRModule] = None) – The workload to be optimized.
target (Optional[Target] = None) – The target to be optimized for.
space_generator (Union[None, ScheduleFnType, SpaceGenerator] = None) – The design space generator.
search_strategy (Union[None, SearchStrategy] = None) – The search strategy. if None, the strategy is left blank.
task_name (Optional[str] = None) – The name of the tuning task.
logger (logging.Logger) – The logger for the tuning task.
rand_state (int = -1) – The random state. Need to be in integer in [1, 2^31-1], -1 means using random number.
num_threads (int = None) – The number of threads to be used, None means using the logical cpu count.
Generate design spaces given a module.
(max_trials[, ...])A method to be called for SearchStrategy to do necessary preparation before tuning.
A method to be called for SearchStrategy to do necessary cleanup after tuning.
Generate a batch of measure candidates from design spaces for measurement.
(measure_candidates, ...)Update the state in SearchStrategy with profiling results.
()Clone the TuneContext.
- generate_design_space() List[Schedule]
Generate design spaces given a module.
Delegated to self.space_generator.generate_design_space with self.mod
- Returns:
design_spaces – The generated design spaces, i.e., schedules.
- Return type:
- pre_tuning(max_trials: int, num_trials_per_iter: int = 64, design_spaces: List[Schedule] | None = None, database: Database | None = None, cost_model: CostModel | None = None) None
A method to be called for SearchStrategy to do necessary preparation before tuning.
Delegated to self.search_strategy.pre_tuning.
- Parameters:
max_trials (int) – The maximum number of trials to be executed.
num_trials_per_iter (int = 64) – The number of trials to be executed per iteration.
design_spaces (Optional[List[tvm.tir.Schedule]]) – The design spaces used during tuning process. If None, use the outcome of self.generate_design_space().
database (Optional[Database] = None) – The database used during tuning process. If None, and the search strategy is EvolutionarySearch, then use tvm.meta_schedule.database.MemoryDatabase.
cost_model (Optional[CostModel] = None) – The cost model used during tuning process. If None, and the search strategy is EvolutionarySearch, then use tvm.meta_schedule.cost_model.RandomModel.
- post_tuning() None
A method to be called for SearchStrategy to do necessary cleanup after tuning.
Delegated to self.search_strategy.post_tuning.
- generate_measure_candidates() List[MeasureCandidate] | None
Generate a batch of measure candidates from design spaces for measurement.
Delegated to self.search_strategy.generate_measure_candidates.
- Returns:
measure_candidates – The measure candidates generated, None if search is finished.
- Return type:
- notify_runner_results(measure_candidates: List[MeasureCandidate], results: List[RunnerResult]) None
Update the state in SearchStrategy with profiling results.
Delegated to self.search_strategy.notify_runner_results.
- Parameters:
measure_candidates (List[MeasureCandidate]) – The measure candidates for update.
results (List[RunnerResult]) – The profiling results from the runner.
- clone() TuneContext
Clone the TuneContext.
- Returns:
cloned_context – The cloned TuneContext.
- Return type:
- tvm.meta_schedule.derived_object(cls: type) type
A decorator to register derived subclasses for TVM objects.
- Parameters:
cls (type) – The derived class to be registered.
- Returns:
cls – The decorated TVM object.
- Return type:
@register_object("meta_schedule.PyRunner") class _PyRunner(meta_schedule.Runner): def __init__(self, f_run: Callable = None): self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_ffi_api.RunnerPyRunner, f_run) class PyRunner: _tvm_metadata = { "cls": _PyRunner, "methods": ["run"] } def run(self, runner_inputs): raise NotImplementedError @derived_object class LocalRunner(PyRunner): def run(self, runner_inputs): ...